It has been such a long time since I have read something of a similarly epic quality, and it is a book I would recommend to EVERYONE.
Der Premieren- und Festivalblog des Thalia Theaters Hamburg„Das achte Leben (Für Brilka)“.

Maybe sincerity is underpriced asset in modern fiction.A 900 page history of a chocolate dynasty. I got a shitload of books for Christmas (I feel a bit overwhelmed tbh, but the best kind of overwhelmed, because let's face it - BOOKS) but I really was a bit Meh about this one. არც სისტემის სჯეროდათ და არც რამე იდეოლოგია ჰქონდათ, გარდა საკუთარი ჰედონიზმისა.

Ich war bei jeder Geburt dabei, kenne ihre Kindheitserlebnisse, ihre Ängste, ihre ersten Lieben, ihre gebrochenen Herzen und ihre Träume. Eine Geschichte, die einem auch nach dem Lesen noch lange begleitet. Sicherlich würde ich oft abschweifen, mich während zu langer Dialoge langweilen und mir irgendwann mittendrin ein schnelles Ende herbeisehnen. It will easily make my Top 10 of the year and will be a book I rave about for years to come.

Eine Schriftstellerin der ganz besonderen Art, auf die ich durch eine Freundin aufmerksam wurde.

But it was so worth it!

I enjoyed reading it in a light way but am somewhat bemused at what it's doing on the International Booker list: it's entertaining, nicely written, fluently translated - but I wouldn't classify it as 'literary' in that it's not doing anything novel, isn't delivering any new historical or personal insights, doesn't pressThis is an amiable crowd-pleaser of a novel: a 'sweeping' family saga through the twentieth century history of what purports to be Georgia but which is essentially Soviet Russia. The kind of pretty where you think, yup, some editors thought they definitely had to compensate for something (the plot) to make it look so pretty. Yes, I think real is a word that would describe the book very well, real and raw.

It's not trying to sell more than it is, and it doesn't have to, because it already is enough! But the size of the book in total...oh well. 3627002083 Vom Georgien am Vorabend des Ersten Weltkriegs bis ins Deutschland zu Anfang des neuen Millenniums spannt Nino Haratischwili den Bogen. I feel like my left arm is really muscular at this point.

I just really like this book – as you may have noticed.This is an amiable crowd-pleaser of a novel: a 'sweeping' family saga through the twentieth century history of what purports to be Georgia but which is essentially Soviet Russia. Right now I have a very hard time of being objective, a harder one than usual! The last days I often found myself at home, feeling really sad and empty.

0,00 OKAY SO. Stasia wächst in der wohlhabenden Oberschicht auf und heiratet jung den Weißgardisten Simon Jaschi, der am Vorabend der Oktoberrevolution nach Petrograd versetzt wird, weit weg von seiner Frau.

I can honestly say that 930 pages is STILL NOT ENOUGH.

This is actually what I enjoyed most about the book, you get to take away so much from it!

If it’s not my all-time favourite novel (and it might be) then it must be in the top three or four.50 pages was all I needed to realize this was not for me: it reads like a textbook on 20th-century Georgian and Russian history with too many superficially-drawn characters interwoven—and awkwardly woven, to boot. They feel so real! And that may sound weird, and very concerning, and maybe I've just really lost my mind: but I think that's amazing!!!! 18,00

Das letzte Kapitel – Brilka – enthält nur leere Seiten.

Das achte Leben (Für Brilka) ist ein epochales Werk der auf Deutsch schreibenden, aus Georgien stammenden Autorin Nino Haratischwili. €