"The statue is a deplorable monument to racism, bigotry, and police brutality for members of the Black community, the LGBTQ community, and many others," Philadelphia Mayor Jim Kenney said in an online statement. Justin Fairfax speaks to demonstrators in front of A judge on Thursday extended an earlier 10-day injunction that was set to expire, stemming from a lawsuit that cites a 130-year-old agreement the state signed to take control of the statue promising that it would be considered “perpetually sacred.”Protests following the death of George Floyd has brought On June 4, Gov. If Marchant declines to toss the lawsuit, a trial is expected in October, according to Herring’s office. Maybe not in this sick and degenerate country, but in the afterlife I’m sure he doesn’t think exists.I don’t believe he’s a hypocrite. Taking down the Lee monument is an extraordinary victory for civil rights activists who have long called for its removal. Statues were erected in Lee's honour after his death in 1870, with his image also put onto five postage stamps. "While these statues across the country have been removed, dozens of other Virginia is home to more confederate commemorations than any other state, according to its governor, Ralph Northam, and on Thursday he vowed to do something about that.Northam said he's directing that the statue of Robert E. Lee, which sits in the state's capital of Richmond, be taken down and moved into storage while a decision is made on its future. Blackface KKK trying to erase history so he can repeat it.Who is he trying to kid!?

Wells, was carried away from the city's capital grounds on Monday, according to CNN affiliate Protesters toppled the statue of Edward Carmack outside the state Capitol after a peaceful demonstration turned violent, Sunday, May 31, 2020, in Nashville, Tenn. The statue of Colston -- who donated much of his fortune to charitable causes -- had stood in Bristol's city center since 1895 but had become increasingly controversial, with petitions created to demand its removal.Colonial slave trader statue torn down amid global protestsColonial slave trader statue torn down amid global protestsBreonna Taylor's death: What we know about what happenedAvlon: History it is messy, it's time to right some wrongsChicago mayor calls tweet from teachers union racistHere's how some police are responding to calls for reformShooting breaks out during protest over conquistador statueThey grew up witnesses to violence, and won't stop until it doesSWAT team resigns after police chief kneels with protestersOp-Ed: What speaking to my daughter about George Floyd taught me Sidner on reporting at the front lines of BLM movementVideo shows protesters toppling statue in New OrleansBlack police officer: I feel torn between my race and my badgeHaddish: I shouldn't be afraid when I see those lights behind me Now, if you want to take down Jefferson Davis, go right ahead. Then it will be your property.Maybe we should also close down Arlington National Cemetery since it’s on Robert E Lee’s estate.Northam is a hypocrite. I know many people will be angry.”Northam continued to discuss the history to the statues of Confederate heroes that were put up after the Civil War.Speaking about the decision to build the statue of Lee in 1890, Northam said of Virginia’s leaders, “Instead of choosing to heal the wounds of the American Civil War, they chose to keep them on display. The statue was put in place in Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy for most of the Civil War, at a time when Reconstruction had ended and Jim Crow racial segregation laws were on the rise. Now cloaked in graffiti, the Lee statue and other nearby monuments have become a rallying point during ongoing social justice protests and occasional clashes with police. More truth: the Republicans saw there were votes in all those disappointed white racists, and picked up the South. He is a total fraud and a disgrace to every race and gender.Linda, he is worse than a hypocrite, he is a murderer. A judge heard arguments Tuesday but did not immediately rule on whether to dismiss a lawsuit challenging Virginia Gov.

Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. and last updated 2020-06-09 18:20:58-04. During a press conference on Thursday, Northam said, “It’s time to acknowledge the reality of institutional racism, even if you can’t see it. [+] a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee is pictured on June 4, 2020 in Richmond, Virginia. 26 Comments. Lee IV confessed that he too once subscribed to the Lost Cause of the Confederacy in an op-ed for The Washington Post titled, “Robert E. Lee is my ancestor. Most Confederate generals did not support slavery, but they did support States rights, and felt that the Federal government was taking powers that were not theirs to take.