The Big Five for Life: Leadership's Greatest Secret. It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness.Sorry, we failed to record your vote.

Please try again Prime members enjoy FREE Delivery and exclusive access to music, movies, TV shows, original audio series, and Kindle books. This book makes the journey logical, interesting, and compelling.Suzanne Strisower, Author of Award-Winning Life Purpose BooksAn Enlightened View of Running a Business that Benefits EveryoneReviewed in the United States on September 24, 2014

Gigantisches Buch, motiviert zur Selbstreflexion und stellt heraus was wirklich wichtig ist im Leben, falls jemand es vergessen hat! Though the potential corniness of acronyms such as PFE is offset by Thomas's benevolence, readers with a preference for stories of imperfect CEOs running real companies might find Thomas's advice more suited to the realm of life coaching than running a business.

They encourage, not belittle; inspire, not intimidate; teach, not obstruct; anticipate success, not fear failure. At the end of the day what it comes down to is doing right by people and giving them the opportunity to do their job well.

This book really frames that in such a powerful way. Whole Hearts. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

Und danach schicken wir Sie nicht in den "wie-vielleicht-hätte-könnte-würde-Zweifel-Dschungel", sondern auf die Überholspur des Highway des Lebens. The big five for life it's a really amazing book with a lot of good advices. Das eigene Tun und Sein richtet sich auf das eigene „Weshalb“ aus.

The big five of the book's title are the five things that we want to do, see, or experience in our life before we die, which Derale Enterprises' employees have printed on the back of their business cards.

Später gab das Leben vor, ganz gut zu funktionieren und irgendwann kommt der Punkt, wo man feststellt, dass die (meist übernommenen) Vorstellungen von Erfolg, das eigene Leben nicht richtig erfüllen. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote.

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Je suis entièrement d'accord avec cette philosophie Thomas's thousands of employees are called travelers, progressing on a journey together, and his utopian advice includes the mandate to identify both a personal and corporate Purpose for Existing (PFE)—which should always be aligned to promote productivity and fulfillment.

The Why Are You Here Cafe: A new way of finding meaning in your life and your work At every moment during our existence we are all called to be leaders, if for no other purpose, then to lead ourselves."

Wer ein Motiv hat, hat Motiv-ation.Das gilt auch für den Arbeitsbereich, und so gibt es von John Strelecky eine einfache Antwort zum Thema Beruf/Job: „Get paid for what you love!“ (lass Dich für das bezahlen was Du liebst).

Diese Seite verwendent JavaScript um verschiedene Funktionen zu ermöglichen. I am afraid I am unable to recommend this book. loved the story and the connection - life - company - purpose - person; very well written; short and meaningful

Please try againSorry, we failed to record your vote. A science-based approach to getting things done and avoiding laziness and procrastination.Improve your Emotional Intelligence to rapidly succeed in your professional and personal life; learn how to deal with people and connect with them.Amazing leadership and motivation book! Read how Wes took his family’s $60K florist shop and turned it into a global business with over $750 million in sales.Increase your chances of a promotion by finding out the key difference between the ´average Joe´ and the Elon Musks and the Ray Dalios of this worldTo discover how to control your emotions so you'll make decisions based on sound logic and reasoning, click here.Discover the mental models that you can apply to be a successful great leader such as Elon Musk and Albert Einstein.Don’t let life pass you by.

Ganz innen weiss man, dass es das auch für einen selbst gibt. In order to navigate out of this carousel please use your heading shortcut key to navigate to the next or previous heading.This shopping feature will continue to load items when the Enter key is pressed. Don't think of this book as a business book - it weaves a very personal story that conveys with great clarity just how good you could be as a leader if only you tweaked your approach to those you wish to lead.