
Download Audiobooks by Roman Lochmann to your device.

With only petty crime to sink her teeth into, Tennison can feel her career slowly flatlining.

Audible provides the highest quality audio and narration.

There is one strange condition attached to this request: Poirot must conceal his true reason for being there from the rest of the Devonport family.

Born in Colombo, Judith Dunbar spends her teenage years at boarding school while her beloved mother and younger sister live abroad with her father.

If royalty was to survive, it must draw closer to the people.




His only clue is grainy footage showing a woman who supposedly died on Bodmin Moor.


He is mourning the death of his wife and child and searching in vain for their killer.

But outside the royal gates, poverty and unemployment were breeding unrest in 1930s Britain. Hope for the best. Performance



Misanthrope. Performance

The only thing that could stop Doug was himself, and that’s exactly what he did.



Unceremoniously kicked off the adrenaline-fuelled Flying Squad, she now plies her trade in Gerald Road, a small and sleepy police station in the heart of London's affluent Knightsbridge. Story


The endless rain leaves them with little to do but watch the other residents.


A skeleton has been discovered in an abandoned camper van and all clues point to a killer who never faced justice - a killer who is still out there.