You can take a Most nearby accommodation is located in Vik. If you are traveling from an easterly direction,  is 150 km away. Sand is created when rocks are eroded down into tiny fragments (by definition, a beach is simply a collection of countless tiny rocks).The reason for the sand at Reynisfjara being black is that it is formed from heavily eroded volcanic rocks (also known as extrusive igneous rocks), which are black (or obsidian) to begin with as they have been formed from cooled lava which turns black as it cools and hardens. – a geological rarity where a volcano and a glacier meet! The trolls were so preoccupied in the battle that they didn’t realise the sun was about to come up.They turned into stone the moment the sun’s rays hit them – trapped for eternity along with the ship in the form of the cliffs.

(I’ll leave any fans of J.R.R Tolkien’s That will teach those pesky trolls. We added this stop because Game of Thrones was filmed here.
The cave has a long history of providing shelter from the elements for weary human travelers and also clever sheep who identified it as a safe place to hunker down when the weather gets too rough. Be careful if you climb on the cliffs during the puffin season.The Reynisdrangar rock formations were formed by fast-flowing lava from a nearby volcano. South Shore Iceland Small Group Tour Book with 10% deposit Book with 10% deposit Quick View.
Ring Road, Golden Circle, Myvatn, Hot Spring, Waterfalls & Glacier Lagoon As the lava cooled, it formed these impressive columnar stacks – a process called columnar jointing.Now I’m not going to get too technical because this is a travel piece and not a science essay but… sometimes nature is so cool right?The Reynisdrangar columns used to be part of a much larger mountain range but, thanks to millenia of erosion, have been left standing on their own. While the sands found on most of the world’s beaches are white or golden in color, black sand beaches are a lot rarer due to the specifics of their formation. Diamond Beach, Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon, Ice Cave & Northern Lights When they pull back away from the beach, their force is even stronger, and they are well capable of dragging unfortunate people away with them.Be aware that the tide can come in quite quickly, so keep an eye on the waves at all times for everything from Hollywood movies to big-budget TV shows, and Reynisfjara Beach is no exception in this regard.Reynisfjara has captured many hearts and ignited the imaginations of people all over the world, not just those who have visited the region, due to its many appearances on both the small and the silver screens.Some of the more famous shows and movies to be filmed at Reynisfjara include – Eastwatch, where the Men of the Night’s Watch are stationed. They gave us a reprieve from the wind and rain. Its beautiful black sand, powerful waves, and the nearby Reynisdrangar sea stacks make Reynisfjara a truly unique place to visit and a popular filming location (Game of Thrones, Star Wars and more). The cliffs are a true highlight on any Southern Iceland itinerary.The Reynisdrangar columns are actually a series of three stacks: The second stack, Landdrangur is the one that’s nearest to the beach itself, while Skessudrangur / Háidrangur is the smallest.You can always count on the Icelandic for a good joke – Skessudrangur or Háidrangur stem from the Icelandic words for large and enormous. – one of Iceland’s most charming waterfalls, prone to creating rainbows. The erosion still continues today – who knows what they’ll look like in a thousand years!Now we wouldn’t be in Iceland without a good legend or two thrown in. É necessário muito agasalho e boa disposição. It is said that to stand on Reynisfjara Beach is akin to being in a natural amphitheater where the white water of the Atlantic waves provides the drama. All rights reserved. Reynisfjara Beach is one of the most well-known black sanded beach in the whole world. Its beautiful black sand, powerful waves, and the nearby Reynisdrangar sea stacks make Reynisfjara a truly unique place to visit and a popular filming location (Game of Thrones, Star Wars and more). South Coast, Ice Cave, Jokulsarlon Glacier Lagoon & West Iceland