Am I the only one who thinks this page should be semi-protected?--It looks like that IP has just been blocked for 1 year--The first sentence on the page, "Stalin was the leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death." This led to many later claims that he was a police Stalin was a member of the Bolshevik Party, but did not do much in the There was a second great famine in the Soviet Union in 1946–1947. 1) Stalin was in no way "neutral" after attacking Poland. Over a million people were imprisoned and at least 700,000 executed between 1934 and 1939.Stalin continued to rule over the Soviet Union until he died. is not accurate. However, even then, one rival, Kirov, emerged so Stalin had him assassinated in 1934, as detailed in Robert Conquest's book The Kirov Murder.

His actual first name is not Josef nor Joseph. It is russian version of these 2; Josif. This way the two dictators could attack various other countries. Learn more about Stalin in this article. In an article in Parade magazine, Elliott Roosevelt also said that Stalin told him in a post-war interview that he believed the president had been poisoned by members of the British … Lenin, until his first stroke in 1922, tolerated some discussion within the Politburo but tended to make the final decisions about all important matters. Joseph Stalin, secretary-general of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922–53) and premier of the Soviet state (1941–53), who for a quarter of a century dictatorially ruled the Soviet Union and transformed it into a major world power. 3) The Molotow-Ribbentrop agreement was signed BEFORE the Nazi/USSR attack on Poland, not after as the article implies. The conditions were caused by To eliminate "enemies of the working class", Stalin instituted the "Great Purge". It is russian version of these 2; Josif. I am addressing you, my friends! It was officially said to be because of a Soviet politician, general secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union and premier of the Soviet Union (1878-1953) what rubbish: "He also made a famine in Ukraine, and many people died." NEW YORK (AP) _ Josef Stalin claimed that he used a secret understanding of English to his advantage during World War II conferences with Franklin D. Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, Roosevelt's son says. was a Georgian politician who became leader of the Soviet Union from 1922 until his death. However, I think it is eminently reasonable to summarize the reality in one or two sentences and then refer readers to sources that go into considerably greater detail. Citizens! 2) "Deal of peace" is a very misleading expression to be used for the Molotow-Ribbentrop agreement. In the subsequent World War II, Stalin stayed neutral but signed a deal of peace with Germany's leader Adolf Hitler." Joseph Stalin was a powerful Communist leader in the early years of the Soviet Union. Joseph Stalin (; birth surname: Jughashvili; 18 December 1878 – 5 March 1953) was the leader of the Soviet Union from the mid-1920s until his death in 1953.Holding the post of the General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, he was effectively the dictator of … Men of our Army and Navy! He replaced Vladimir Lenin as leader of the Soviet Union. Even this proposal is not wholly accurate since it implies that Stalin eliminated the Politburo by 1929 and visibly took all decisions by himself which is certainly not the case.

Stalin entered into the "German-Soviet Commercial Agreement" (also known as "Economic Agreement of February 11, 1940") with Hitler, where Stalin sent raw materials to the German war industry and got some of the produced weapons back as payment.

Joseph Stalin gave this speech after the Nazi invasion to inspire and call to arms the people of the Soviet Russia. He put Born in 1879 according to Stalin himself, so footnote with both dates is a must, OTHERWISE ARTICLE IS WORTHLESS! The Politburo was retained but, by 1929, was composed almost entirely of people who Stalin had groomed and who he knew would not oppose him. Josif Stalin. Joseph Stalin was born in 1878 in Georgia, which was a Russian province at that time. Stalin occupied Lithuania, Estonia and Latvia in June 1940. His actual first name is not Josef nor Joseph. This was an agreement where Hitler and Stalin agreed not to attack each other. He also militarized Russia by focusing the country's time and energy towards weapons, vehicles, and the armed forces. (I think that book is Robert Conquest's The Great Terror but I say that from memory without being able to look at the book to verify that is the one that details Stalin's rise.)

Comrades! His ideas and policies turned the Soviet Union into a powerful, relatively modern nation, as the largest on Earth.

Further, an addendum to this agreement was about how Hitler and Stalin should share Europe between them. This article appears to have been sabotaged. He had a very troubled childhood.

Robert Conquest has covered this complex matter in considerable detail in various of his books and I don't propose to rehash it here. Answering this question is hard because Stalin himself was so cagey about all aspects of his early life. I would propose something along this line: "Stalin ... was one of several leaders of the Soviet Union beginning with joining the Politburo in 1918 (?

However, I think it bears mentioning in some fashion.