We’re creating a culture of active citizenship. The initia… The Obama Foundation Fellowship supports outstanding civic innovators from around the world in order to amplify the impact of their work and to inspire a wave of civic innovation. Get to know seven Chicagoans who have spent decades creating sustainable change in their respective communities, and read what advice and wisdom they have for the next wave of leaders who will carry forward their work. Learn what caused the 2008 financial crisis and how the Obama administration responded through the voices of those who were a part of it: President Obama, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Timothy Geithner, and more.

Leaders: Africa is a year-long initiative to inspire, empower, and connect 200 emerging leaders from across Africa to take on the biggest challenges in their communities, countries, and continent. Watch as Rep. Lewis discusses his friendship and work with Dr. King, and reflects on his own experiences as a trailblazing activist.

We use cookies to improve your experience on our site. We are partnering with the Chicago Public Library to bring a new 5,000-square-foot public library branch to Jackson Park. When we wanted to lift up the stories of Antonio Davis, Asiaha Butler, and Kemdah Stroud—three grassroots leaders working on the South Side of Chicago to make a difference—we turned to Chicago-based artist and photographer Tyesha Moores. Relive each moment of this historic day through the voices of those who lived through it and gave it meaning: President Obama, Jim Obergefell, Valerie Jarrett, and more. As a Chicago Public Library, it will house a multimedia collection with a focus on civic engagement and conduct programming to engage community members.

In keeping with President Obama’s longstanding tradition of reading and responding to letters from the American people, we’re excited to share an adorable letter he received from five-year-old Pennsylvanian Cori Ryan. Our mission is to inspire those people to …

Five years ago, our nation underwent a day of momentous change, grace, and celebration.

On President Obama’s 59th birthday, see how he has spent his time following his presidency inspiring the next generation of leaders.

See how we do it MY BROTHER'S KEEPER ALLIANCE We started My Brother’s Keeper so that every boy and young man of color in America would know that their dreams mattered as much as any other child’s. The Obama Foundation Fellowship supports outstanding civic innovators from around the world in order to amplify the impact of their work and to inspire a wave of civic innovation. In 2018, President Obama and Congressman John Lewis participated in a My Brother’s Keeper Alliance roundtable with students from Ron Brown College Preparatory High School in Washington, D.C. to honor the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s death.

All photos exclusive copyright of the Barack H. Obama Foundation. At the Obama Foundation, we are guided by a core belief: that ordinary people working together can change history. Home > Our Mission : Our Mission. Leaders: Asia-Pacific, our second year-long international initiative, brings together 200 changemakers to tackle the regions most challenging problems. To ensure all young people can reach their full potential, the My Brother’s Keeper Alliance focuses on mobilizing mentors, reducing youth violence, and improving life outcomes for boys and young men of color.

If we want to keep making progress on issues like racial justice, we’ve got to be willing to start hard conversations––especially with the people we love.

The Obama Foundation's mission is to inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world. We started My Brother’s Keeper so that every boy and young man of color in America would know that their dreams mattered as much as any other child’s.

Photo: Typical latrine structure in Siaya, Kenya. No one does big things by themselves.

Each year, we bring leaders and luminaries from around the world to exchange ideas, explore creative solutions to common problems. Chris is determined to carry on Sharonda’s legacy of love by reminding himself he President Obama joined Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, President of Color of Change Rashad Robinson, Minneapolis City Council Representative Phillipe Cunningham, and MBK Columbus Youth Leader Playon Patrick, in a conversation moderated by Campaign Zero co-founder Brittany Packnett Cunningham. Together, they discussed the tragic events of recent weeks, the history of police violence in America, and specific actions needed to transform a system that has led to the loss of too many lives. June 26, 2015, brought the Supreme Court’s landmark ruling in favor of same-sex marriage, President Obama’s eulogy of Reverend Clementa Pinckney, who was killed alongside eight of his parishoners at Mother Emanuel AME, and the lighting of the White House in rainbow colors in recognition of marriage equality. That mission begins at home, on the South Side of Chicago, where we are building the The Obama Foundation Community Leadership Corps brings together rising leaders to identify and address community issues. During Black History Month and every month, we are constantly reminded that we stand on the shoulders of those who came before us. Check out some of these uplifting messages—and show us how you’re celebrating this year’s graduating class.

The Obama Foundation's mission is to inspire, empower, and connect people to change their world.

The Obama Foundation Scholars Program gives rising young leaders around the world the opportunity to take their work to the next level through a curriculum that brings together academic, skills-based, and hands-on learning. It was part of the fabric of her family’s story. The Library Building is the third main building of the campus — a portal for visitors to engage with the world beyond the Obama Presidential Center.

Sanae’s grandmother narrowly missed being killed by the atomic bomb, but witnessed unimaginable destruction in the aftermath. The Obama Foundation is guided by a core belief: that ordinary people working together can change history.