In Kolejne 365 dni  It shows us the change each character develops after the death of the baby. : Lined notebook | Journal | Diary Gift | 110 Blank Pages | 6x9 inches | I hate it. – ggf.


Especially after Massimo’s final confession to Laura after his hipnosis session, where he finds out that she was not a vision of his future, but simply a girl he had seen before his accident and her face stayed recorded, so that means for him that she was no longer vital to him. Don't build a love story for 2 books then destroy it at the end. Książkę przeczytałam w przeciągu dwóch dni.

and I cannot stress it enough. I''m cutting off anything ab these books and movies, don t care to ever hear ab them or this wannabe author.This book was not as action packed as the second book and left me bummed out. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.Wir konnten Ihre Stimmabgabe leider nicht speichern. and I cannot stress it enough. It's actually a 1.5 stars book for me only for the book cover.

HOWEVER, coming to read some spoilers of the books before I even spend any money and waste it, come to find out Massiamo and Laura doesn't even end up together !

Please rewrite this book!

this is so not fair. Hinzufügen war nicht erfolgreich. Maybe I am a hopeless romantic but I stopped reading about halfway through.

I can't say I blame Massimo for the way he acted (although very uncalled for) and knowing how much he loves Laura, he was hurt. Some things were SUPER confusing but ultimately she wrote a good, realistic(ish) story.

HOWEVER, coming to read some spoilers of the books before I even spend any money and waste itI hate it.

Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of Didn’t even finish the last book because the start threw me off.

by Agora S.A. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.Wir konnten Ihre Stimmabgabe leider nicht speichern.

I hate it. Nejnižší ceny 450 výdejních míst 99% spokojených zákazníků

Laura, in my eyes, become a hypocrite. WTF?The biggest fail, I really was expecting that the these last book save the series but boy I was wrong is even more crazy and when you already ended up falling for the mafia boss it turns out that she cheats on him for lame excuses and for trying to save the storie change the nature of the character to painted as a monster and cruel and he is just reacting as he knows, don't forget he is a bad mafia boss, and she is just a horny crazy women how happens to repeat it suffer from stokholm syndrom.. If this ends up being made into a movie I truly hope they go off script. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. 365 Dni (365 Days), a Polish erotic drama film that's equal parts steamy and problematic. why make your audience fall in love with characters only to disappoint them in the end? I can't say I blame Massimo for the way he acted (although very uncalled for) and knowing how much he loves Laura, he was hurt. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.Wir konnten Ihre Stimmabgabe leider nicht speichern. Maybe I am a hopeless romantic but I stopped reading about halfway through.

The trailer for the movie and all the pics looked hot so I thought it will be another Fifty but with some twists. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal.Wir konnten Ihre Stimmabgabe leider nicht speichern. He also calls her girl. Completely messed up the whole series! I just finished watching the movie and fell COMPLETELY in love with the characters and the story line.
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Start by marking “Kolejne 365 dni (365 dni, #3)” as Want to Read: Many people must have loved this book but sorry it's not my cup of tea I have mixed feelings after finishing this book. I hope the end of a movie is not as silly as a storyI feel so sorry for Massimo, despite what he did.

Um aus diesem Karussell zu navigieren, benutzen Sie bitte Ihre Überschrift-Tastenkombination, um zur nächsten oder vorherigen Überschrift zu navigieren. I hate it hate it hate it! Please just stick to Laura and Massimo,not the other way around, the people who started watching the part 1 of the movie loves the character Massimo and Laura,.Please don't make your viewers disappoint the whole story.

worst ending ever! Published I hate it.

temporär gesenkter USt. Why does the author takes such pain to build the character of massino, when she clearly potrays him as the villain at the end. Please rewrite the book! This needs a rewrite for sure!

365 dni es el comienzo de la trilogía 365 DNI, de la fantástica y talentosa escritora Blanka Lipińska . what a waste !

It would have beeb better if Laura tried her best to rwach out to Massimo It doesn’t even deserve one star nothing! Says she doesn't tolerate cheating or betrayal but that is exactly what she did. Can we boycott this ending‍♀️Just like everyone else here, I loved the first series and being a helplessly romantic person I thought Laura & Massimo will last.

In General, I think Massimo deserves to be happy. How it should've ended was them actually communicating over their grief, and him giving leadership to his brother who wanted it and him stepping down to pay attention to his wife and build a family like he has been longing for.

y'all can keep this trash! after watching the ending be explained a little more, I read some comments about it. I know that this is the author's story and she alone can take the characters whichever way.
She was born in Pulawy, southeastern Poland, to Malgorzata and Grzegorz Lipiński. Hate what happened with Massimo, how the autor changed him, turned 180'.I stumbled upon this trilogy bc of the actor playing Massimo. Obrzydliwie romantyczna, skrajnie prawdziwa i inspirujaca....