Здесь есть статьи, видео и нарративы от блогеров и популярных медиа. Yandex Zen is a platform that hosts content available to all users. A Yandex Zen page where creators post their content. A publication's summary displayed in the recommendations feed. No fees or subscription charges. Reporting a violation. Yandex Zen is a platform that hosts content available to all users. You don't need to worry about privacy because the data is stored in a depersonalized format. Sometimes this can be enough to resolve the problem.If the situation calls for direct involvement by the administration team, please familiarize yourself with the section's other content first before reporting.After we receive a report from a user, we review the claim and block all reported content if there is sufficient legal ground. Download Yandex Zen to discover something new every day! Enjoy a limitless stream of content to tickle your fancy, right at your fingertips. Технология, лежащая в основе «Яндекс.Дзен», была адаптирована Яндексом и cern для использования на Большом адронном коллайдере.С помощью неё проводится глубокий анализ результатов физических экспериментов на БАКе. Yandex Zen is an infinite feed of stories, images, articles, features and many more, sourced for you by artificial intelligence, based on your personal interests and preferences. Дзен – это платформа, на которой можно читать и создавать интересные истории.

It consists of a title, short description, and a thumbnail (a shot from the embedded video or an original image). Yandex Zen is an infinite feed of stories, images, videos, articles, features and many more, sourced for you by artificial intelligence, based on your personal interests and preferences. Как перевести и сделать Яндекс Дзен на русском языке и как сменить язык, узнайте у нас! We urge content creators to follow our User agreement and comply with the rules for posting content. In the event of repeated violations, Yandex reserves the right to delete the accounts of responsible parties a the company's discretion.The reported user may either delete the controversial content or file a cross-statement if they believe uploading the content is within their rights and they are ready to defend against the report. Zen searches the internet for content that will interest you — articles, news, and video — and displays it in a personalized feed on the start screens of Yandex.Browser and Yandex Launcher. If we then receive documents that substantiate the report, we will block all the content in question.Choose your issue from the list below File your report using the corresponding form. The selection of content is based on the analysis of browsing history, user-specified preferences, location, time of day and other factors. You can report content if you believe it violates your rights or is against the law.If you believe that some content posted on Zen violates your rights, you can try reaching out to its creator directly. Финансовый дзен мониторинг: наблюдение за курсами доллара, евро и нефти. If no counter-statement is filed, the content in question will remain blocked and eventually be automatically deleted.Both the report and the counter-statement must include all the necessary information that can identify their respective parties as well as provide their contact information.Having received a counter-statement, we send the information that can help solve the issue to both parties and grant them access to the controversial content in question. 29.6k Followers, 4 Following, 89 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Яндекс.Дзен (@yandex.zen) Если Вы ищете Яндекс Дзен на русском языке, тогда Вы попали по адресу! Only available in Russian. Zen content is not reviewed by moderators before it's posted. Тут є статті, відео та наративи від блогерів та популярних медіа. If the uploader of the controversial content in question specified their contact information when they signed up, we will also send them a message, notifying them that their content has been blocked due to a report. We urge content creators to follow our We realize that less responsible users may violate both our internal rules and the law, and do everything we can to stop any violations we're aware of. Дзен – це платформа, на якій можна читати і створювати цікаві історії. This will enable us to review your report in a timely manner.To learn more about the Yandex Zen terms of service, read the Please tell us what you didn't like about this article: Card. Yandex Zen gradually adapts the feed to your interests. New discoveries every day. Zen has a weekly active user audience of more than 20 million.To analyze the interests and preferences of users, Yandex uses information about sites that have been visited, as well as user-specified interests.The system analyzes the user's favorite sites and other behaviors with the aim of creating a unique model of the user's preferences.Zen, Launcher and Browser belong to the “Discovery” technology category (services and apps that use artificial intelligence to adapt to a user).The technology that underlies Zen was adapted by Yandex and In 2017, Yandex announced the launch of a platform that allows companies and independent authors to publish media content (articles, photos, videos) directly to Zen.Prior to the launch of the platform, Zen feeds consisted only of publications selected from publicly available sources.In the following months, other types of content were added to Zen, such as image galleries, articles, According to data from April 2017, Zen is available in more than 50 languages in more than 100 countries, including the Zen is one of Yandex's experimental business activities.After the release of Zen, several major companies also announced personal recommendation services. The reported user must either file their cross-statement personally in any of the Yandex offices, or send it via snail mail with a notarized signature.