The ruling United National … Results by county, shaded according to winning candidate's percentage of the vote. Parliamentary General Election 2004 Districts Results by Polling Division and All Island Results . The 2004 Canadian federal election (more formally, the 38th General Election ), was held on June 28, 2004, to elect members of the House of Commons of Canada of the 38th Parliament of Canada.

Presidential popular votes by county. In the end, an agreement could not be reached, but on regional level alliances between Congress and regional parties were made in several states.

RealClearPolitics - Election 2004 - General Election: Bush vs. Kerry Carol Moseley Braun also dropped out, endorsing Howard Dean. A post-convention Gallup poll showed the President leading the Senator by 14 points.Three presidential debates and one vice presidential debate were organized by the On October 29, four days before the election, excerpts of a video of The following table records the official vote tallies for each state as reported by the Red font color denotes those won by Republican President George W. Bush; blue denotes states won by Democrat John Kerry. States where margin of victory was more than 5% but less than 10% (149 electoral votes):

General elections were held in India in four phases between 20 April and 10 May 2004.

In the same article, At the invitation of the United States government, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (For 2004, some states expedited the implementation of The 2004 election was the first to be affected by the To distinguish official campaigning from independent campaigning, political advertisements on television were required to include a verbal disclaimer identifying the organization responsible for the advertisement. Although the overall result of the election was not challenged by the Kerry campaign, Green Party presidential candidate At the official counting of the electoral votes on January 6, an objection was made under the Kerry would later state that "the widespread irregularities make it impossible to know for certain that the [Ohio] outcome reflected the will of the voters." It was clear that the result in Ohio, along with two other states who had still not declared (Presidential electoral votes by state.

The following week, Edwards won the South Carolina primary and brought home a strong second-place finish in On July 6, Kerry selected Edwards as his running mate, shortly before the The keynote address at the convention was delivered by There were four other presidential tickets on the ballot in a number of states totaling enough electoral votes to have a theoretical possibility of winning a majority in the Bush focused his campaign on national security, presenting himself as a decisive leader and contrasted Kerry as a "According to one exit poll, people who voted for Bush cited the issues of terrorism and traditional values as the most important factors in their decision.Over the course of Bush's first term in office, his extremely high approval ratings immediately following the Between August and September 2004, there was an intense focus on events that occurred in the late-1960s and early-1970s.

Besides the impact of coming in third, Dean was further hurt by a speech that he gave while at a post-caucus rally. The Lok Sabha, or "House of the People," is the directly elected lower house of the Parliament of India.

Over 670 million people were eligible to vote, electing 543 members of the 14th Lok Sabha. Parliamentary elections were held in Sri Lanka on 2 April 2004. Because of a request by Ralph Nader, New York held a recount. One Minnesota elector voted for Edwards for both president and vice president. This assessment was also supported by opinion polls. One of Kerry's slogans was "… The economy had shown steady growth in the last few months and the In the past, BJP has largely been seen as a hard-line Votes and seats of the major parties are compared with those won in the 1999 election In the primary campaign, Bush faced little opposition for the Note substantially more "mixing" of colors. Red is Republican; blue is Democratic. Former Bush's popularity had soared early in his first term after the The Bush administration then turned its attention to Bush's popularity rose as a wartime president, and he was able to ward off any serious challenge to the Republican nomination. Cartogram in which each square represents one electoral vote.