A far-left German political party installed a statue of Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin over the weekend in the city of Gelsenkirchen.
"We haven't made so much progress with colonialism, something the USA, Britain and France too have been confronting for much longer," Evert added.While the United States, Britain and Belgium have seen statues of Christopher Columbus, slave trader Edward Colston and King Leopold II, brutal ruler of the Congo, attacked or removed, in Germany, only a handful of monuments have been splattered by paint.A statue of Vladimir Lenin (pictured addressing supporters in October 1918 in Moscow) is to be unveiled for the first time on territory of the former West Germany, decades after the Berlin Wall was torn down (AFP Photo/-)Germany just took delivery of its new VIP plane that will fly the country's top government officials – take a lookComatose Russian dissident visited by wife, aide in GermanyFactbox: Latest on the worldwide spread of coronavirusMarkets brace for BOE governor speech, US economic policy event and Germany dataWorld virus deaths top 800,000 as nations ramp up measuresMissing Fort Hood soldier a victim of 'abusive sexual contact,' Army saysBiden indicates he could run for second term if he beats Trump in NovemberHere are the CEOs and companies that support Trump...and BidenClaudia Conway is so furious that her mother, Kellyanne, is to speak at the RNC that she's 'officially pushing for emancipation' from her familyStudent newspaper begs schools to take responsibility for COVID-19 outbreaks: 'Don't make us write obituaries'2 tropical storms a potential double threat to Gulf CoastThe threat to Postal Service is a threat to US values. Harmful changes must be reversed: Ex-officialAll In The Family: Half Of RNC's Planned 'Key Speakers' Are Trumps. We're criticising that there's no public discussion of socialism as an alternative," MLPD chair Gabi Fechtner said.The MLPD says it is the first such statue ever to be erected on the territory of the former West Germany, decades after the eastern German Democratic Republic communist state collapsed along with its deadly Berlin Wall and Stasi secret police.

The installation of Germany’s first large public statue of Lenin outside the former communist East Germany was fiercely opposed by many Germans.
While statues of Founding Fathers are being toppled in the West, a new monument to Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin was just erected in Germany. "The time for monuments to racists, anti-Semites, fascists, anti-communists and other relics of the past has clearly passed," said Fechtner in an earlier statement. However, he has remained a symbol of communism rule across the world, both among supporters and those who remember the human rights abuses that took place under the USSR.Germany itself was divided for decades between the West and the communist East, until the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.In the debate surrounding the Gelsenkirchen statue, which was made in Czechoslovakia, as it was then known, in 1957, both sides drew parallels to the tearing down of monuments linked to slavery which has taken place in anti-racism protests across the world in recent weeks.

These are external links and will open in a new windowA far-left party in Germany has erected a controversial statue of communist leader Vladimir Lenin.The tiny Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) installed the statue in front of its headquarters in the western city of Gelsenkirchen.City authorities had attempted to stop the statue being installed and launched an online hashtag saying there was "no place for Lenin".But courts blocked their appeals and the unveiling went ahead on Saturday.Lenin was a leader of the 1917 Russian Revolution and led the country until his death in 1924, when he was succeeded by Josef Stalin. Gelsenkirchen (Germany) (AFP) - A divisive new monument to Soviet leader Lenin was unveiled in Germany on Saturday, in the middle of a global row over the controversial background of historical figures immortalised as statues.More than 30 years after the post-World War II communist experiment on German soil ended, the tiny Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany (MLPD) installed Lenin's likeness in the western city of Gelsenkirchen.A few hundred gathered for the ceremony, marked by fluttering red flags and the smell of grilled sausages. "Lenin was an ahead-of-his-time thinker of world-historical importance, an early fighter for freedom and democracy. "Not everyone in Gelsenkirchen, a centre of the former industrial and mining powerhouse Ruhr region, has welcomed the over two-metre (6.5 feet) likeness, produced in former Czechoslovakia in 1957. These are external links and will open in a new window "Criticism of capitalism and the search for social alternatives is everywhere. "However, MLPD's chair, Gabi Fechtner, described the communist leader as "an ahead-of-his-time thinker of world-historical importance, an early fighter for freedom and democracy", according to the AFP news agency.England's chief medical officer says reopening classrooms carries an "incredibly small" risk to pupils.

The statue was first installed in the city in the early 1990s after a local man purchased the statue following the collapse of the Soviet Union. Gelsenkirchen’s city council took the Marxists to court in an attempt to stop the action, calling Lenin a “representative of violence, suppression, terror, and immense human suffering.” Around 800 people gathered at the inauguration of the 2.15 metre Lenin statue in Germany's Gelsenkirchen, in the Ruhr Valley.Despite initial controversy over the statue, the city court gave the local Marxist-Leninist party permission to put the metal memorial near its headquarters. "It's hard to put up with the fact that a dictator from the 21st Century is being placed on a pedestal and a memorial is being made out of it. The statue was unveiled next to a poster that reads: 'Don't give anti-communism a chance'