To build a railway, tracks (also called rails) must be built for the train to ride on. It would also very likely block other trains from entering the cleared platform.Apart from the single rail chain signal, the station consists of identical platforms. It is connected to all the chests of the platform via the red cable. If this number is higher than the maximum storage capacity of the platform, an empty platform will always be preferred to a blocked platform.

One such platform is marked by a blue box and I am going to explain it in detail in the next section. If a platforms signal is >= 100k then there is a train in that platform. If another platform got cleared, the train would have to back up a bit to go there, but trains do not go backwards in automatic mode. Cargo wagons can be filled or emptied by up to twelve adjacent Rail signals are used to employ multiple trains automatically without the danger of trains crashing into each other. This in turn caused throughput problems, because the ovens connected to the platform on the bottom would not receive any copper ore until the three platforms above were completely filled with ore and blocked by a train. 0.13 release is getting close. The reason I am calling this a platform is because I consider the steel chests, the inserters and the circuit network components and and so on part of the platform. By hovering over the train stop with the mouse you see the positions of the vehicles for better setting up the train station (including (un)loading machinery, refueling/repair installations). I tried connecting the train stop directly to the speaker, and connecting the train stop to all combinators and messing around with the logic. The green circuit network then adds the outputs the two arithmetic combinators together, exactly like it adds the copper ore counts of all the connected chests.Each platform has 12 steel chests containing 48 slots holding up to 50 copper ore each. Mixed belts are where you dump everything on to a belt, ignoring the location, and a circuit network decides what should be put on the belt next based on desired inventory levels. Cauled wrote:If you're troubleshooting setting up a network design and you need to read the signals from the train while you're working on it, then you can set the train to stay at the station by telling it to stay at the station until EMPTY CARGO or FULL CARGO.As long as those conditions are never true then the train will stay at a station in automatic mode as long as you want. Always beware of automatic trains and give them the right of way. They choose the shortest route using a This section covers items used to make trains automatically transport items between stations. The rail signal sends a red signal of value 1 if a train is blocking the platform. But I also add 1 to the signal, because the EACH condition only works with signals that are not 0.

When this is checked then it is clear to me that the circuit network signals are sent to the train, and it can be used in wait conditions (correct me if I'm wrong). When the player is on the rails, the signals are reserved by the Train stations are the only place where trains can be loaded or unloaded when they are in automatic mode. So the train stop and the other components together form a platform and multiple platforms form a complete station.The platforms are connected via a green wire as indicated by the green line on the image.Each platform is confined by two normal rail signals as indicated by the blue arrows. When train stops are paired together (white box on station placement) they change how they send / receive circuit network information. Locomotives can be entered and then manually operated by standing next to them and pressing the A safe railroad crossing like the example shown in the picture can be built.

In the meantime, here's some more information about the circuit network. 13 to the circuit network. For each comparison that is true 1 is added to the output signal. This video is designed as a basic tutorial for beginner-level circuit networks in Factorio. Factorio's wait condition logic is read as disjunctive normal form (Unfortunately, there is no way to write that shorter form in the current UI. The second platform is not considered because it is currently blocked by a train. It looks like there are basically two options.