From 1884 to 1928 governments were formed alternately by the Høyre and Venstre parties, the former initiating numerous laws and actions directed against the workers. The Conservative Party has stated that the party will work for a unifying right-wing government in 2009, including all right-wing parties. Norway's Prime Minister Erna Solberg, her daughter Ingrid Solberg Finnes and Sgbjorn Aanes, Solberg's adviser react to the good results for Solberg's Conservative Party in … "Norway election: Erna Solberg to form new government"
In the 1977 elections the Høyre won 41 seats out of 155 in the Storting. The Høyre was formed in 1884 as a party of the big industrial and financial bourgeoisie and of the upper levels of the bureaucracy. As it turned out, they got 35%, and other parties had to form government. The Conservative Party (Norwegian: Høyre, H, literally "right") is a conservative and liberal-conservative political party in Norway.It is the major party of the Norwegian centre-right, and the leading party in the governing Solberg cabinet.The current party leader is the Prime Minister of Norway Erna Solberg.. Ever since its creation, Høyre has been one of the larger political parties in Norway. Originally, there were serious discussions between Høyre, The Christian Democrats and Venstre to take on this task, but the end result was that the two latter parties joined forces with the Centre Party to create a minority government without Høyre.Høyre is currently in power in four of Norway's five largest cities: Høyre is considered a reform party profess to the moderately conservative political tradition, adhering to the thoughts of The party has 37,033 registered members (2012). During the fascist German occupation of Norway, representatives of the Høyre formed a government in exile.In the mid-1960’s and early 1970’s members of the Høyre held a number of important posts in coalition governments. (also, Conservative Party), a Norwegian political party. During the break in 1963, the position was held by John Lyng from The Conservative Party. Results in the country’s parliamentary elections on Monday show it nearly maintained its support from four years ago … The Central Board of the Conservative Party meets seven times a year to discuss important matters such as budget, organisational work, plans, party platforms, drawing up political lines.Bracketed numbers indicate current numbers of seats in parliament for the 2013-2017 term. In 1975, the Høyre had 46 press organs, with a total circulation of 750,000; the most important organs are the newspapers All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only.

The oldest political party in Norway is the Liberal Party, which was formed in 1884.Shortly afterwards, the Conservative Party was formed in opposition. As of 1976, the party had approximately 105,000 members.

History 1884–1905. Yesterday was a good day for Norway’s populist Progress Party. The party’s leaders have repeatedly stated that in domestic affairs they support private enterprise and a democracy of property owners; in foreign affairs they favor entry into the Common Market and an active involvement in NATO.
The Conservative Party of Norway (Norwegian: Høyre, literally "right") was formed by the old upper class of state officials and wealthy merchants to fight the populist democracy of the Liberal Party, but lost power in 1884, when parliamentarian government was first practised. In national elections in September 2013, voters ended eight years of Founded in 1884, the Conservative Party is the second oldest political party in Norway after the Liberal Party.The Conservative Party of Norway ("Høyre") was founded in 1884 after the implementation of Throughout the years Høyre has supported a policy that aims to stimulate growth in order to avoid unemployment and raise economic strength to solve various necessary tasks in Norwegian society.In the beginning of the 20th century Høyre took the initiative to construct a modern At the parliamentary election in 1993 it was impossible to present a credible non-socialist government alternative because Høyres former coalition parties, The Christian Democrats and the Before the parliamentary election in 1997 the Labour party proclaimed that they would not be willing to govern the country if they did not obtain more than 36.9% of the votes. Høyre (also, Conservative Party), a Norwegian political party. This is the official website for the Conservative Party of Norway - Høyre. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. these reasons the National Coalition Party in Finland, the In Norway the Conservatives trusted in a strict control policy (e.g., taxes) and the idea that "all restrictions have to serve temperance education" (the program of the The Conservatives were uncompromisingly against the beer monopoly (election programs of the The argumentation about a beer monopoly had changed from a state-level question to a municipal question (election programs of the E. Norvik was elected chairman in 1974. Norway’s election is turning into a real race to the finish line, with the two biggest parties -- Labor and the Conservatives -- running neck and neck. The Conservative Party of Norway was founded in 1884 with Emil Stang as its first Chairman. The Høyre was formed in 1884 as a party of the big industrial and financial bourgeoisie and of the upper levels of the bureaucracy.Leading party figures of the late 19th and early 20th centuries were F. Stang, E. Stang, and G. F. Hagerup; a more recent figure of note is C. J. Hambro, who served as party chairman from 1926 to 1934 and from 1945 to 1954.