This is, to me, “peak” Imperial Fists!The Terminators have no transport which I think at this points level is probably OK, given their mobility. He also makes Phalanx Warders (not Phalanx Breachers, as the book says…) and Terminators Troops, if he is the Warlord (and when wouldn’t he be!). ) There are a number of possible upgrades such as vexillas, plasma pistols or special weapons on the Champion, but I would view these as traps. You send him in, issue a Challenge, and if it isn’t a Salamanders Praetor or a similarly premier-tier named character, they are Arguably, you can’t even hide by sending in a basic Sergeant or similar into the Challenge – his attacks get Instant Death, so you will likely end up with brutal “overspill” into the unit anyway!

Overall, I think they’re a decent unit, but generally I think other squads (not least, Phalanx Warders) can do their job generally more effectively at the same (or better) cost. You Troops, cannot use Deep Strike, cannot take more Elites or Fast Attack than you have Troops, and can only take one Consul other than Legion Champions.

unshakeable defence. no attack can wound Rogal Dorn on better than a 3+ unless it is a Destroyer weapon. These models look great – sleek Mark IV armour modified with heraldry and amazing kite-shields. An iron-hard force of staunch, taciturn defenders of Humanity, they broke down and rebuilt Terra into a fortress world, with the Imperial Palace as the lynchpin of the Solar defence network. At the time of the Unification Wars, Terra was a hellscape, lacking hope or order, existing in a blood-soaked darkness. I have never seen this “in the wild”, but it is a great fluff choice!Overall, Dorn is a very solid Primarch – I would not say he is in the top 5 of the 18 Primarchs available, but he is a very good buffer/fighter who has a home in any Imperial Fists list for a fairly reasonable price tag. Any vehicles must be in reserve, and you cannot take fortifications or Allies. Eventually convinced, he dispatched a Retribution Fleet to Isstvan, before bringing his veterans to Terra to bring news of this heresy to the Emperor. storms teeth. Unlike other Legiones Astartes, some of whom were only recruited from specific parts of Terra, the Imperial Fists took their initial recruits from all over the planet, even in places where other Legions had nominal sovereignty over recruiting. Heavy Support Squads also gain choose to voluntarily fail a Morale check, and Imperial Fists characters issue a Challenge in combat if they are able to do so, but they get to re-roll to Hit rolls of 1 when they fight a Challenge. When Dorn was reunited with his Legion they swiftly learned what kind of man their progenitor was. This combines brilliantly with his ability , which allows him to swap his normal attacks for a single attack at Initiative 5 with his Power Fist in any combat (or 2 if he’s charged). The grief of this moment would forever change Rogal, turning him into a brutal avenger, and leader of the Great Scouring which followed. If you build this list… I hope you like painting yellow, and painting Tactical Marines. Credit: Jack HunterImperial Fists Captain Alexis Polux. He then has the rules allowing him to re-roll failed Charges and Sweeping Advances, and making him , with legendary skill and talent, which means he must always issue and accept Challenges and, when he is in a Challenge, he has It makes Sigismund the premier “Warlord-killer” if the enemy isn’t using a Primarch. primarch.

This ship was the , a Death Guard frigate which had escaped Isstvan III, and brought news of Horus’ betrayal to the wider Imperium.This was a bitter pill to swallow for Rogal, and he initially refused to believe this could be possible. This act was, in and of itself, a tragedy, as it required the tearing down of peerless, timeless works of art and history – the collected glory of the Crusade heaped and burned on the pyre of Horus’ treachery. He can instead choose to use , halving his attacks (after Rampage etc is accounted for) and giving him S 8 on his attacks – a very nice “linebreaker” option to clear out enemy Warlords or Mechanicum automata.

It alone broke the back of many foes during the Crusade, and it would form a vital part of the defence nexus of the Solar System in the coming Heresy. Dorn is depicted imperiously surveying the battle around him, a bulwark against the tide of terrors that face the Imperium in the 31st Millennium. Credit: Jack HunterThe Space Marine Legions of the First Founding make up the core factions and conflict of the Horus Heresy. , which buffs up to three bits of cover/fortifications after deployment is finished, giving a re-roll to “1s” on Cover Saves, and re-rolling failed Pinning Checks for models within them (a nice fluffy bonus, but not game winning).