By Peter Schaber, published in Germany in the left-wing, daily newspaper Young men pose for the camera with a defiant gaze. Die Misanthropic Division (deutsch: Menschenhassende Einheit, Motto: Töten für Wotan) ist eine in der Ukraine entstandene rechtsextreme Organisation. %äüöß
The “EuromaidanPR” news agency, which is followed by Western media as a reputable source despite its overt partisanship, published without comment on 29 January a call from the Azov Commanders to join the “brothers in arms at the front”. In their hands, AK-47 assault rifles; on their arms, the badge of the Ukrainian Volunteer Azov Battalion. This paramilitary formation is used in eastern Ukraine with the knowledge and support of Kiev against actual and suspected separatists.

This has become tighter and tighter since the end of the Maidan occupation.

x��ZɎ���W��@���Z�� e���� �`���f`�2��X� ))���ʪ�Dcy�"B�������������n��?������������������#�piJ�s������/����qw�ݰw�֏pw����nr�[����åi���=�4��� n���ޯ��?����������g���Kn�w�}���� �&7��6?��Ox��~�k�����$ �;��kMw�u��`�'���~�-����Ín�[`��R�q ��ZRXo�(����V}��L��H����w��E!����{�yzOʒO!��m� .@��X! The group is driven by a racist cult-like ideology that has its foundations in Nazi fascism, in “paganism” and a stress on hero cult and death fantasies.“National Socialism is more than a doctrine, it is a philosophy of life and religion,” says an anonymous spokesman for the group in an interview on their official website.Misanthropic Division follows a crude death and war cult, much like its Russian sister organization “Wotan youth”. 2 0 obj

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Not one German or U.S. government call on Kiev to give up its cooperation with neo-Nazi militias is known. Within the Azov Battalion we find the Misanthropic Division, founded in October 2013 from within the SNA, seen by its members as a “National Socialist paramilitary group” and which passed its baptism of fire in the “Ukrainian revolution,” as they call Euromaidan.
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Among the Popular Front’s “military advisors” are numerous right commanders, including Azov Battalion and SNA chief Andrij Bilezkij.In the pro-Western and self-proclaimed liberal Ukrainian media, neo-Nazi warriors are celebrated as heroes. Misanthropic Division – Vinland Töten Für Wotan. Der Krieg wird Selbstzweck zur Entfaltung des »Übermenschen«, Morden und Sterben »im Dienst für die Sache« werden zu den vornehmsten Pflichten verklärt. The focus for a long time was on Svoboda and the Right Sector, the most visible fascist coalition during the Maidan protests.Under the direction of the founders of Trisub, a nationalist paramilitary organization oriented to Hitler-collaborator Stephan Bandera, Dmitro Jarosch undertook a range of important tasks in the so-called Euromaidan on behalf of the Right Sector.He established himself firmly in Ukraine’s political landscape and to this day exercises a dynamic military and ideological influence. Search for: About.

It strives to achieve a “harmonious society” which can only be attained on the basis of race: “Our nationalism is nothing but a castle of sand if it does not rest on the foundations of blood and race.“In the ‘national community’ each must find his rightful place because people are ‘inherently unequal.’ ”Race is a “Precondition for the creation of civilization and the progress of mankind,” and one must bear in mind that not all races “are equally valuable… Beside the question of purity, the question of the value of the race is posed. Surrounded by SS skulls and Kalashnikovs, it says ‘Misanthropic Division Ukraine’.‘Misanthropic Division’ rightist militia in Ukraine, photo from group websiteMuch has been written, at least in the critical and interpretative left press, about rightwing militias in the Ukrainian civil war. %PDF-1.4 While Jarosch and his “comrades”, like Svoboda’s Oleg Tjagniboks, are concerned to market themselves as a “modernized” nationalist movement, far more radical groups, more open to connections with the ideology of Hitler fascism, are growing.Even during Maidan, in the fall of 2013 and spring of 2014, the ‘Social-National Assembly’ (SNA) and its affiliated organization ‘Ukrainian Patriot’ were recognizable as the most extreme, openly terrorist wing of the Rightist sector. “Töten für Wotan” – “Killing for Wotan”, the motto runs.“Right now,” as one of the group’s activists formulates their short-term goals, “we are at war” with ‘the Russian mafia and the Neosoviets’ “. misanthropic division Töten für WOTAN. hD�~'�r���~a��x�p�A��;��#��o�|���'��GU���Mܨ�S6yP(=q}�$�J;��EWe�|*������0�����x#,I� 7@ $y�i��ϯ>�̥�G|�O��7Ww��~����%��WzҶ����~�wR�rB�'�Hɿ�&�{@���j���缶}��ϱ1�B�(a��n��$�b�YT�HD�D'�kA���>|*]���N��L����cz�H.�59>���m��K5��i7�D����K�篕 Vietnam War Knights Middle East Division Ukraine Knight. The war will become an end in itself as the development of “supermen” who kill and die “in the service of the cause” is transfigured into the supreme duty. <> The Distancing from the neo-Nazis is scarcely to be found in the pro-western part of the Ukrainian society. stream

Ukrainians belong to the largest and best part of the European white race.”This ‘national community’ should be realized in a new political system, “Greater Ukraine”. The war will become an end in itself as the development of “supermen” who kill and die “in the service of the cause” is transfigured into the supreme duty. !�bpr���O�Ğ�gj��V��J�dVh�e@ �N���)�\3��ȟP�ag?8t�of�~���[5��'*�4���Њn+>�

“Töten für Wotan” – “Killing for Wotan”… Saved by Ken. Die »Misanthropic Division« folgt einem kruden Todes- und Kriegskult, ganz ähnlich wie ihre Schwesterorganisation in Russland, die »Wotan-Jugend«.