I read more stories about famous musicians not being let in to ameliorate the pang of disappointment I felt.Of course, nobody likes rejection. A splash of black eyeliner and a rushed black manicure later, I was out the door.Again, I made my trek, still alone, but this time not as lonely since it wasn’t excruciatingly early on a Sunday. But once in the club, it was like a circus of human activity.Room by room, floor by floor, I witnessed elaborate make-out sessions in the corners, and rough but frenzied kissing by the bar. Everyone was just minding their own business and enjoying the music.All in all, I had a positive experience. Berghain maintains its mythological vibe and crazily fun 36 hour parties by staying true to its scene. The club is a reincarnation of an earlier Berlin nightclub, Ostgut (1998-2003), which was located in the empty Ostgüterbahnhof railway shipping warehouse. Techno-Clubs gibt es viele in der Hauptstadt. I had learned from my other failed attempts and had listened to the advice from other successful Berghain-goers.This time, I dressed to fit in. Two great routes, with live guides, recorded commentary, and onboard Wi-Fi, cover Berlin’s central attractions, and the app lets you track the next bus in real time. No one was acting pretentious or being sexually forward, as I’ve experienced at clubs elsewhere in the world. My friend and I, like many others, decided to make the trip to Watergate, another popular late night venue.However, a few months later I decided to make a third attempt, and was more determined to succeed than ever before. And also so my hours of traveling and waiting weren’t for nothing. Inside was Eröffnung Säule, the launch event for a new room on Berghain's ground floor. The staff was a bit stern, the queueing experience was a bit much, even for Berlin, and I found myself missing the clubs in L.A. or Mykonos, where getting in isn’t such a hassle.
Man sieht im Berghain nämlich alles, nur keine Drogen. I met a man wearing who looked to be about 70 years old inside, ordering a coffee at the bar, who had the most wonderful spirit and smile.

I felt liberated, and I wish that I could’ve danced until sunrise.Now, at this point, I’d decided that Berghain as a club was a bit overrated. Everyone wants to go to Berghain now because it has such aEasily the best clubbing experience i have ever had. Good thing I had earplugs.The inside was pretty much exactly as you’d imagine an old, concrete ex-power plant would look like. The debauchery that has been said to happen inside was quite tame this night, and can probably be found more consistently at a place like Kit Kat. I was expecting to wait hours in line but thankfully the line wasn't long Sunday morning and my husband and I got in after waiting 5 minutes. The promised land. The things I saw will never be unseen. I was determined to try again. However, I’m glad I was fortunate enough to experience it, and I recommend that if it sounds like it’s for you, that you definitely pay it a visit and experience it for yourself .As you probably know, Berghain is not a standard club. I've visited Berghain with my girlfriend a few times now, and besides it hosting pitch perfect techno raves, we've become quite intrigued with the, ahem, sexual possibilities of the place. Felix Scheinberger an author, illustrator and professor at the Münster School of Design, found a creative way to circumvent this notorious and strongly enforced rule. Even though I had not heard of anyone getting in, even my local friends, I had held out a hope that somehow I would, with no concrete justification aside from a feeling, maybe of self-righteousness or of clairvoyance, I couldn’t be certain. He’s a tough guy, and after taking one look at you, he’ll happily ruin your night. Two great routes, with live guides, recorded commentary, and onboard Wi-Fi, cover Berlin’s central attractions, and the app lets you track the next bus in real time. There was a different DJ here playing experimental techno. Pure techno vibes in the heart of Berlin!it get crowded very early so the best time is Sunday morningIt was honestly the best club I've ever been to, a must for anyone who loves electronic music , you get a feeling of pure freedom when inside. Grüße an meine Kollegen am Tibetanismus-Institut, die am liebsten über meta-philosophische Konzepte oder über ihre eigene Gefühlswelt reden, anstatt der Gesellschaft wirklich etwas zu bringen. Try for yourself if you’d like: Since I always love a challenge (and a good party), I decided to give Berghain a try.