The length of the rectangle indicates the duration of the objects staying active.In a sequence diagram, an interaction between two objects occurs when one object sends a message to another. A message can flow in any direction; from left to right, right to left or back to the Message Caller itself. Option Combination - Sequence Diagram Example .

UML 2 Tutorial - Sequence Diagram Sequence Diagrams. The arrowhead used to show this type of message is a line arrow like shown in the example below.A return message is used to indicate that the message receiver is done processing the message and is returning control over to the message caller. By avoiding these mistakes you can ensure the quality of your diagram.See these common mistakes explained in detail in Sequence Diagram Guide: This sequence diagram tutorial covers everything you need to know on sequence diagrams and drawing them. However, the majority of sequence diagrams will communicate what messages are sent and the order in which they tend to occur.When drawing a sequence diagram, remember that lifeline notation elements are placed across the top of the diagram. A diagram of this type deals with certain sequences, which are messages that flow from a certain object to another.
It is used to indicate that an object is active (or instantiated) during an interaction between two objects. And if the code is expressive and can stand on its own, there’s no need to draw a sequence diagram in the first place.A sequence diagram represents the scenario or flow of events in one single use case. Alternatives allow the modeling of the “if then else” logic (e.g., if you were to buy three items, then you get 20% off your purchase; whereas you get 10% off your purchase). Specific disk and partition: Select the Disk number (starting with 0) and the Partition number (starting with 1).. These would be;Once you identify the objects, it is then important to write a detailed description on what the use case does. It allows you to reuse part of one sequence diagram in another, or in other words, you can reference part of a diagram in another diagram using the ref fragment.To specify the reference fragment, you have to mention ‘ref’ in the name box of the frame and the name of the sequence diagram that is being referred to inside the frame.Instead of cluttering your sequence diagram with several objects and groups of messages that will confuse the reader, draw a few smaller sequence diagrams that aptly explain what your system does. It is during the design period that developers and architects utilize the diagram to showcase the system’s object interactions, thereby putting out a more fleshed out overall system design. The image below uses an option combination fragment since a lot of messages have to be sent if the student’s past due balance is equal to zero. the order in which these interactions take place. Loop fragment is used to represent a repetitive sequence. The sequence -> is used to draw a message between two participants. These can help to predict how a system will behave and to discover responsibilities a class may need to have in the process of modeling a new system. fragment operator).To show two or more alternatives, the larger rectangle is then divided into what is called interaction operands using a dashed line, as shown in the sequence diagram example above.

The use of the activation bar on the lifelines of the Message Caller (the object that sends the message) and the Message Receiver (the object that receives the message) indicates that both are active/is instantiated during the exchange of the message.An arrow from the Message Caller to the Message Receiver specifies a message in a sequence diagram. Return messages are optional notation pieces, for an activation bar that is triggered by a synchronous message always implies a return message.Tip: You can avoid cluttering up your diagrams by minimizing the use of return messages since the return value can be specified in the initial message arrow itself.Objects do not necessarily live for the entire duration of the sequence of events.