The National Socialist German Worker's Party and Its General Conceptions Gottfried Feder (* 27.

Waar ben je naar op zoek? iii.). The Programme of the Nsdap.

The fact remains that I am convinced that some of the more successful economies today are in part at least due to the application of Feder’s economic cures. Thus freedom is not only a right to pursue but also an imperative mission to accomplish.One does not need to be a genius to guess that when things go financially well for the people the State (if it works for the good of the people) benefits enormously. Feders Vater und Großvater waren höhere Beamte des „Der Leihzinsgedanke ist die teuflische Erfindung des Großleihkapitals, sie ermöglicht allein das träge Drohnenleben einer Minderzahl von Geldmächtigen auf Kosten der schaffenden Völker und ihrer Arbeitskraft, sie hat zu den tiefen, unüberbrückbaren Gegensätzen, zum Klassenhaß geführt, aus dem der Bürgerkrieg und Bruderkrieg geboren ist“In den folgenden Jahren widmete sich Feder seiner politischen Mission. À partir de 1917, Feder étudia les sciences politiques et économiques en « Précédemment, je n'étais pas à même de reconnaître avec la clarté désirable, la distinction entre ce capital proprement dit, dernier aboutissement du travail productif, et le capital dont l'existence et la nature reposent uniquement sur la spéculation.Pour la première fois de ma vie, je conçus la distinction entre le capitalisme international de bourse et celui de prêt.

This book by Gottfried Feder was first published in May 1932 at the direct request of Adolf Hitler, for the coming Reichstag elections, and outlines the official National Socialist position on economic and social policy.

The Jews have stashed tens of trillions of dollars in cash, gold and other assets in offshore locations so they can profit from our coming misery by buying up our homes and businesses for pennies on the dollar.

No less do all circles of the intelligentsia – artists, writers, actors, scholars, as well as other independent professionals also belong to this group.’ – Manifesto for the Abolition of Interest-Slavery (Chapter: Implementation and Rationale).The economy should be at the people’s service, for the benefit of the folk, and not the other way around. 3 views. One reason why the jew is in our midst is because the ex-robber barons, who call themselves the nobility and have the respect of the brain dead Whites needed the money of the jew and became race traitors. – The author.‘We are now nearing the worst Financial Collapse in 500 years.

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and includes a biographical history of the career of Adolf Hitler. A quick overlook on the We humans will not be truly free until we liberate ourselves from the shackles of this International financial tyranny.

It is also a glaring example of the ‘miracles’ that can happen once a people get rid of their ‘Central Bank’ (that gigantic international Jewish bloodsucker) and get hold of their own destiny.Over the centuries the fight against debt-slavery has been an imperative need for all peoples who were suffering under this yoke. And we need to end fractional reserve banking.It is past time for all the victims of Jewish Supremacism to unite and say NO to the Jews and their criminal insanity.’ – Horse237 (Video Rebel’s Blog)Robert Heimdal lives somewhere in Europe, struggling to get himself a future in the midst of this current new Dark Age.

Feder participated in the 1923 Munich Putsch but was only fined 50 marks as his position was briefly that of “finance minister.” In 1924 he was elected to the Reichstag (Manifesto, p. It is too late for Jews to begin a campaign to tell their friends and neighbors that the Holohoax was a fraud and that the cycle of Depressions and wars need not be. Diplômé, il fonde une entreprise de construction en 1908 qui est par la suite particulièrement active en Bul… Have you ever wondered why you are a slave in this Jewish-created system?