Lage: Internationalität und Vielfältigkeit: Dafür steht der multikulturelle Ortsteil Berlin-Kreuzberg.

Have a gander at this:A collector of NRK desiderata would respond to the above like Alex responds to Beethoven in ‘A Clockwork Orange’: “However, the items shown above are real and genuine and come to us courtesy of Axis History Forum. Feel free to believe tour guides, information boards and Sandra Sully to the contrary if you like but those I trust (including Rochus Misch) put the site where the red circle is. The middle photo shows the distinctive shape of Leipzigerplatz and the mid-incarnation of the Berlin Wall. However, notice that the front is placed against the wall. This photo comparison shows where the event occurred:The building on the left in the left-hand photo is the Wertheim store, presumably patched up, in 1953 (note the shape of the only visible archway and compare it to the arches in the building on the right and then trust me it’s the same building).

Finde hier alle Informationen der Saturn Filiale Voßstraße 24 in Berlin-Mitte (10117). Diese Saturn Filiale hat Montag bis Samstag die gleichen Öffnungszeiten: von 10:00 bis 21:00. Anyway, walk down Glinkastrasse until you reach the intersection (blue cirlce)with Leipzigerstrasse (up which we are going to walk to Potsdamerplatz):Leipzigerstrasse runs for yonks in an easterly direction but we are interested in walking west towards Potsdamerplatz so you should come to this corner:Feel free to venture into the building on the right to discover the wild side of Berlin but 74 years ago it would have discovered you in this very place. So spiegelt vor allem das gastronomische Angebot die Vielseitigkeit wider: Restaurants rund um das Paul-Lincke-Ufer bieten kulinarische Spezialitäten aus aller Welt. The skeleton of its roof can be seen in the previous ‘globes’ post behind the two boys sitting on the remains of some globes:The door to his right with the eagle above it led to the Mosiac Hall. Gemütliche Cafés locken mit ... pretty much everybody these days as far as I can see…Hmmm… just an aside: if you are like me and find all these references to north, south, east and west confusing, here is a little map of this area to help you out:You are currently where the green circle is on the map above. der gesetzlichen Mehrwertsteuer auf den Kaufpreis ist mit dem Zustandekommen des Kaufvertrages verdient und fällig. Instead, here’s a nice shot of the building in its heyday (notice the eagles on the gateposts):The building was comparatively not-knocked-around too much after the battle in 1945 and was used by the Communists as “The House of Ministries”. Finden Sie die besten und günstigsten Unterkünfte ab einem Preis von 35 EUR für Ihre Reise nach Berlin auf unserer Karte. It is best known for being the location of Hitler's new Reich Chancellery complex, and the bunker where he spent his last days. Turn around and look back in the direction Of Unter den Linden and you’ll see that you are standing where this happened:And finally, if you have one of those neighbours who makes you want to vote for the death penalty just for saying “Hello” to you and if said neighbour is gloating about his/her new Mercedes, just ask them with a straight face why Mercedes don’t use this ad anymore:There can’t be many of those interested in this period of history and the battle in this city who haven’t seen the “last footage” – as far as is currently known – of Hitler greeting some Hitler Youth in the Ministry Gardens just outside his office. It would probably not have been moved to storage when these photos were taken because the tapestry would have gone too. This is a reference to the middle section which Hitler saw as depicting a sword being unsheathed although how he could tell it was being unsheathed and not sheathed has got me buggered. And that last photo indicates a function of the Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler of which I was previously unaware: they were to offer heroic protection to any blokes who felt like enjoying a quiet ale or two.Anyway, AFAIK, the garage was sealed up again so that the Free World would not be morally corrupted by murals.An excellent article on the Fahrerbunker can be found at the Britlink site here:Allegedly the last photos ever taken of Hitler – and for my money you can forget the ‘allegedly’. Gemütliche Cafés locken mit ... Am Sonntag bleibt das Geschäft geschlossen. pre-war) was the site of the Reichs-verkehrsministerium (Reich Traffic Ministry). Finde hier alle Informationen der Saturn Filiale Voßstraße 24 in Berlin-Mitte (10117). It gets tricky here: for some unDeutsch reason Mauerstrasse turns into Glinkastrasse and then turns back into Mauerstrasse.

These are – if you’re into this stuff like I am – sensational:Equally exciting, IMO, was the discovery in 1990 of the Fahrerbunker (Drivers’ Bunker). Voßstraße 24 10117 Berlin