On 10 July, the participants of this year's Certified Brewmaster Course at VLB Berlin received their hard-earned certificates.

Doch die Glückwünsche gebühren in diesem Jahr nicht nur den Absolventen . to the current DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018VLB Virtual Campus: 100 % web-based training course for craft and micro brewersGerman Federation of Industrial Research AssociationsEducation, research, consulting, information and services for the brewing, malting, beverage and spirits industries and applied biotechnology since 1883Since 1883, the VLB has offered training and education for the brewing and beverage industry.In recent years, our offer has been extended to include spirits production and applied biotechnology.Our trade congresses and seminars are platforms for the intercorporate exchange of information.A selection of books and a journal complete the offerThe VLB therefore invests part of its resources in research and development.In addition to close cooperation with the Technical University of Berlin, joint and contract research also plays an important role. Am 10. NEWS. VLB Brewing Conference 2020; Craft Brewing Online 2020; Training Applied Microbiology 2020; Certified Brewmaster Course 2021; Bangkok Brewing Conference 2021; Micro Malting Online; News. Education, research, consulting, information and services for the brewing, malting, beverage and spirits industries and applied biotechnology since 1883. Marion Preißler. In his speech, VLB Managing Director Dr. Josef Fontaine looked back on the extraordinary challenges of the past six months, which were anything but as planned due to COVID-19. preissler@vlb-berlin.org. Dr.-Ing. VLB Berlin, a specialist with 135 years experience in training and education for the brewing industry, offers “Brewing in a Nutshell” as an e-learning module. COVID-19 Update. News; Breweries in Berlin; Jobs; Newsletter; VLB at Trade Fairs 2020; VLB international conferences in 2020; Publications. Die VLB investiert daher einen Teil ihrer Ressourcen auch in den Bereich Forschung und Entwicklung. Ausbildung, Fortbildung, Forschung, Beratung und Service für die Brau-, Malz- Getränke- und Spirituosenindustrie sowie die angewandte Biotechnologie seit 1883Die VLB bietet seit 1883 Aus- und Fortbildung für die Brau- und Getränkewirtschaft an.

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Phone +49 30 45080-238. The Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin is a members association and was founded in Berlin in 1883 by German brewers and maltsters. Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) e.V. VLB Berlin supports you with a wide range of highly specialised services for the brewing, malting, beverage and – since 2002 – spirit distilling industries.Pure yeast and starter cultures for different types of beer / Assessment of brewing cereals and beverage recipes on a small-scale basis / Japanese beer history – part 1 / Research at VLB – an overviewTraditional Beer: Berliner Weisse through the ages – part 2: a fine line between aroma and spoilage / Europe, Africa, Asia and America: VLB conferences on four continents in 2019 / VLB Certified Brewmaster Course – Graduates 2019 / Saigon-Kien Giang Brewery from Vietnam new VLB memberAll you need to know about professional beer brewing - Textbook - 6th completely revised English edition  (June 2019)In February 2020, the DAkkS assessed the update of the testing laboratories of the  Versuchs- und Lehranstalt für Brauerei in Berlin (VLB) e.V. g.schreiber@vlb-berlin.org. Unsere Leistungen umfassen alle Arten von chemisch-technischer, physikalischer und mikrobiologischer Analytik sowie technische- und technologische Beratung.Unsere Fachkongresse und Seminare sind Plattformen für den überbetrieblichen Informationsaustausch. Through membership of the VLB, you would not only be supporting research and teaching but would also be able to enjoy a range of benefits. VLB prepared for the future: testing laboratories successfully updated to DIN EN ISO / IEC 17025: 2018 . VLB Membership The VLB Berlin is a members association. VLB Brewing Conference 2020; Craft Brewing Online 2020; Training Applied Microbiology 2020; Certified Brewmaster Course 2021; Bangkok Brewing Conference 2021; Micro Malting Online; News. Doch die Glückwünsche gebühren in diesem Jahr nicht nur den AbsolventenUnsere diesjährige große technische Fachtagung für die Brau- und Getränkewirtschaft (Präsenzveranstaltung)Arbeitsgemeinschaft industrieller Forschungsvereinigungen Phone +49 30 45080-121.