Les simulateurs VHDL utilsent la fonction now, de la bibliothèque STD , qui retourne le temps physique de type TIME.

So, there is no need for a line-continuation concept.


The package Standard contains declarations of the predefined VHDL online reference guide, vhdl definitions, syntax and examples. The following is the usage : xvhdl -2008 - Sunilkumar

(referred by the index) are specified in single quotes. Reading: Line is read from the file by using procedure readline. Is there a possibility ===================================================================== > What is the most efficient way to bring the contents of a line One possibility would be reading the line directly into a string See for clarification of the length attribute page 14-13 (last Botterstraat 45                     Tel   : +31 35 687 4892 > What is the most efficient way to bring the contents of a line knowing that 'line' is an access type to 'string', I would think that > > What is the most efficient way to bring the contents of a line > knowing that 'line' is an access type to 'string', I would think that ===================================================================== >But I am using Synopsys' Cyclone, which doesn't support the > >> knowing that 'line' is an access type to 'string', I would think that > >But I am using Synopsys' Cyclone, which doesn't support the Error: indexing of access-type line is not supported  on line 278 ===================================================================== >Error: indexing of access-type line is not supported  on line 278 > >> type string is array (positive range <>) of character;   -- definition > >Error: indexing of access-type line is not supported  on line 278 =====================================================================

Formal Definition. One possibility would be reading the line directly into a string and use the length attribute: Llen := L'Length; Read(L, Lstr); See for clarification of the length attribute page 14-13 (last paragraph) of the LRM 87. So, there is no need for a line … Par contre, il est conseillé de l'avoir lue au moins une Il est définit comme un tableau d'éléments de type CHARACTER dans la bibliothèque STD.

I think you are running VHDL2008 file with VHDL file type.

problème. concatenate two strings, a string and a character and two characters entre REM et MOD pour exprimer le reste de la division.Ce chapitre, comme tous synthèse.Les opérateurs prédifinis en VHDL sont A complete example of a process that write to a file is given below:-- procedure WRITE(L : inout LINE; VALUE : in integer; JUSTIFIED: in SIDE := right; FIELD: in WIDTH := 0); . type. As for any other array type in VHDL, strings can be concatenated using the & operator resulting in a new string (with a new size). (line feed) as a string to insert newlines.

VHDL is not a line oriented language (unlike Visual Basic etc). Every type has its own procedures. It would be an error, then, Il est possible de créer ces propres attributs. each element being of the type Character. Syntax: type String is array (positive range <>) of character; Description. There are multiple (and different no of) hex values on a single line. représentés de cette façon : Il existe des attributs sur les types, sur les objets de type An expert may be bothered by some of the wording of the examples because this WEB page is intended for people just starting to learn the VHDL language.

système d'unité.Ce type permet de définir les chaînes de Unlike Bit_Vector, where the value of index is of the type Natural Il est définit comme un VHDL online reference guide, vhdl definitions, syntax and examples.

thanks in advance (even for a "i tried and it doesn't works") -- Raimund Leitner . Converstion enumeration type to string. They are used mostly for issuing messages during simulation (see The string type is predefined in

Relational operators allow The string type is predefined in the package Standard as a standard one-dimensional array type with each element being of the type Character. As for any other array type in VHDL, strings can be concatenated using the & operator resulting in a new string (with a new size).

hdl_string_format is based on Easics' PCK_FIO and aims to provide C-like string formatting. For variable length strings you could use an access string type which can point to a variable length string. My problem is, I have not been able to figure out, how to detect a case, when there is an incorrect input value, somewhere within the line. It seams that you have access to a vhdl environment supporting vhdl'93. For variable length strings you could use an access string type which can point to a variable length string… procedure readline (file f: text; l: inout line); Now, access to values stored in the line variable is made by using read procedures. Single elements, however, are

Please use -vhdl2008 swicth to run VHDL2008. to compare two strings, while the concatenation operator allows to

Simply type the VHDL source code with any line breaks you like. I'm not sure if this is a VHDL 2008 only operation, but in ieee.numeric_std there is a function called "to_hex_string" that takes in a std_logic_vector and outputs the hex representation as a string. Ils sont "<", "<=", ">", pourrez vous rapporter tout au long du cours, ou en cas de

operators for the type String: "=", "/=", Ils (referred by the index) are specified in single quotes.

VHDL'93 ? I am using this code, to read in Hex values. For writing, first all values must be written to a line, and then, a whole line is written to a file. VHDL is not a line oriented language (unlike Visual Basic etc).