"Controlling Space in Joaquín Murieta."
Based on the work of Amy Kaplan, Mark Rifkin, and John Carlos Rowe, my project is in intervention in current discussions in Native American studies, the study of U.S. imperialism, (trans)Pacific Studies, law and literature, Transnational American Studies, and Native Hawaiian studies.Jens is currently a PhD Fellow with the DFG-funded Research Training Group “Minor Cosmopolitanisms“ at the University of Potsdam. Kurse aus dem alten Moodle können gegebenenfalls selbständig gesichert und in das neue LMS (ebenfalls Moodle) … Impuls zum Schuljahresbeginn . Osnabrück Summer Institute on the Cultural Study of the Law. July 9, 2014.

Department of English and American studies, Potsdam University, Germany. Faculty Director, Center for the Study of American Indian Law and Policy, and Chickasaw Nation Endowed Chair of Native American Law. 1. “Biopolitics – Geopolitics – Sovereignty – Life: Settler Colonialisms and Indigenous Presences in North America”, 25.06.2015 – 27.06.2015 Mainz, in: “Overriding/Overwriting the Reservation: John Rollin Ridge‘s Workshop paper; "Writing Life on Mars: Imaginaries of Extraterrestrial Colonization and Discourses of Planetarity in Conference paper (with Nicole Poppenhagen); "Across Pacific and Atlantic Currents: Navigating the Turbulent Oceans in American Studies." Realschulabschluss)Die Berufsoberschule II (BOS 2) führt zur fachgebundenen Hochschulreife und bei ausreichenden Kenntnissen einer zweiten Fremdsprache (320 Stunden) zur allgemeinen Hochschulreife.Das Abschluss­zeugnis berechtigt die Bezeichnung „Staatlich geprüfte/r Sozial­assis­tent/in“ zu führenDie Ausbildung dauert in der Regel 3 Jahre und besteht aus dem theoretischen und praktischen Unterricht und einer praktischen Ausbildung.Die Ausbildung dauert in der Regel 3 Jahre und besteht aus dem theo­re­ti­schen und prak­tischen Unterricht und einer praktischen Ausbildung.Herzlich willkommen an der Sophie-Scholl-Schule     Aktuelle Informationen (Stand: 17.08.2020)   Liebe (neue) Schülerinnen und Schüler, herzlich willkommen an der Sophie-Scholl-Schule. University of Potsdam (2015) Alumnus of the Junior Teaching Professionals Program, Potsdam Graduate School, University of Potsdam (2014) Conference funding; "Teachers Workshop - Postcolonial Justice"; Awarded by the Commission for Research and Junior Scientific Staff (FNK), University of Potsdam (2014) Fellow of the Institute for the Cultural Study of the Law, University of Osnabrück (2014 Alumnus) Fellow of the Salzburg Global Seminar American Studies Association, Salzburg (2014 Alumnus) Travel grant of the Embassy of the United States of American in Berlin (2014) Masters Thesis Prize of the Professor Dr. Friedrich Schubel-Stiftung; awarded for an outstanding master thesis in American Studies titled "Displacing the Nation in the American Southwest: Cultural Studies I - American Studies. American studies division, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. Workshop co-organizer (with Nicole Poppenhagen); "(Trans)pacific Knowledge Landscapes." Imperialism, and the Annexation of Hawai'i." ; PC Pool Rooms closed: Because of the high risk of infection, all of our PC pool rooms have been closed down since March 16th Ilias-Upgrade: Ilias has been updated to … "Navigating Pacific and Atlantic Currents: Towards a Transoceanic Perspective in American Studies?" Summer term 2013. American studies division, Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany. Auf der Startseite des ZDV rechts unter "Dienstestatus" --> "Übersicht Statusmeldungen" werden Nachrichten zum Stand der Erreichbarkeit der Plattform bekanntgegeben. “American Territorialities.“ Special Forum of the with Nicole Poppenhagen. Department of English and American studies, Potsdam University, Germany. Eine automatische Lösung hierfür ist geplant. Wenn Sie über anstehende Wartungen demnächst frühzeitig per Mail informiert werden möchten, abonnieren Sie bitte das Nachrichtenforum auf der Moodle-Startseite (Block: Hauptmenü).Mit Ihren Fragen können Sie sich jederzeit an die zentrale Support-Mail Wir bemühen uns um zeitnahe Rückmeldungen. Since March 24th Johannes Gutenberg University is mainz emergency mode. Summer term 2014. University of Hawai'i at Mānoa, HI, USA, July - August 2016. Conference paper; "Native Americans and the Law: From Spatial and Narrative to Legal Borderlands." Work then, teaching staff have been asked to prepare digital teaching materials. Guest lecture; "Zentrale Fragen indigener Gesellschaften der Gegenwart: Zwei Fallstudien aus der Pazifikregion.” Filmfestival Guest lecture; "'Hawaii is an American state, and is embraced in the American commercial and military system': Conceptions of Militourism and the Overthrow of the Hawaiian Monarchy." July 17, 2015. Page-Name:GET across borders Last Update:4th December 2019 Building on the work of scholars such as Amy Kaplan, John Carlos Rowe, and Mark Rifkin, we examine how the historical specificities of U.S. nationhood—a long period of continental expansion, the foundational conception of the “frontier” and the constant and ongoing Native American challenge to U.S. sovereignty from “within” its perceived borders, and a history of “fuzzy” outer boundaries due to the strategies of American imperialism(s)—are instrumental in explaining the current contours of the U.S. nation-state in a globalized world. Conference paper; "Overwriting and Disavowing Hawaii: Queen Liliuokalani's Conference paper; "Overwriting and Disavowing Hawaii: Queen Liliuokalani's Conference paper; "Overriding/Overwriting the Reservation: John Rollin Ridge's Conference paper; ""Such were the events in 'Apache land': Transnationalism and the Westward Expansion in Workshop co-organizer (with René Dietrich); "The Popular Culture of Settler Colonialism." Graduate seminar. Seminars; "Defining America: New Writing, New Voices, New Directions." with Nicole Poppenhagen. Am ersten Schultag (Montag, 17.08.2020) haben wir die neuen Klassen...Mit Beginn dieses Schuljahres haben wir nicht nur neue Referendarinnen und Referendare, sondern auch Frau Tamara Kühn vom Internationalen Bund als neue „Respekt Coach“ bei uns an der Schule. July 9-12, 2018. Annual Conference of the German Association for American Studies (DGfA/GAAS), Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany.