Il lavoro di Meyer è stato criticato per la sua eccessivamente semplicistico stile di scrittura e le femministe hanno messo in dubbio l'enfasi mette Meyer sulle relazioni romantiche e ruoli di genere tradizionali nei suoi romanzi. Bella says that she wants to become like him, a vampire, but Edward reiterates he is against this. She studiously read the Book of Mormon, citing the book as having "the most significant impact on [her] life.
Storie della Meyer hanno anche ricevuto elogi e ha acquisito un seguito ventilatore. When she arrives at the place, she finds that the hostage claim was a ruse.

"Meyer is cited as having helped bring The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints more into the mainstream by books Meyer ha trascorso gran parte del 2011 la produzione di entrambe le parti del In data 30 marzo 2010, è stato annunciato che Meyer aveva scritto un 200 pagine novella Meyer cita avendo diverse altre idee di libri in archivio, tra cui una storia di fantasmi intitolato Nel maggio 2008, adulto romanzo di fantascienza del Meyer Nell'aprile 2009, Meyer ha partecipato al Progetto Libro Babe, un beneficio progettato per aiutare a pagare le spese mediche della sua amica Faith Hochhalter dopo Hochhalter è stato diagnosticato un cancro al seno. Nel Stephenie Meyer ha nominato mormonismo come la sua più grande influenza. Stephenie Meyer (née Morgan, born December 24, 1973) is the American author of the Twilight Saga and The Host. Eppure, professore di cinema e religione Angela Aleiss notato numerosi chiara influenza del mormonismo nel Meyer cita la musica come un'influenza di primo piano della sua scrittura, e lei messaggi Secondo il professore di storia religiosa americana Jana Riess, un tema di primo piano nei romanzi della Meyer è dell'agenzia. She lettered the chapters instead of numbering them, Chapter 13 being E. The last chapter of the first draft kept getting longer and longer, so she wrote epilogue after epilogue. However, James has already bitten Bella. ər /; born December 24, 1973) is an American novelist and film producer.She is best known for her vampire romance series Twilight, which has sold over 100 million copies, with translations into 37 different languages.Meyer was the bestselling author of 2008 and 2009 in the US, having sold over 29 million books in 2008, and 26.5 million in 2009.
Il libro racconta una storia basata su due nuovi protagonisti: Edythe Cullen (che impersona la vampira) e Beau Swan (che impersona l'umano), entrambi coinvolti in una complicata storia d'amore. She was born on December the 24th 1973, in Hartford, Connecticut to Stephen and Candy Morgan. Romance disappears when sexuality steps in. She lives in Phoenix, Arizona with her family. She learns from him that Edward and his family are actually James calls Bella and claims to be holding her mother hostage. Meyer often portrays the inner feelings and motivations of characters through facial expressions rather than explicitly telling it.Stephenie Meyer has named Mormonism as her greatest influence.Meyer cites music as a prominent influence of her writing, and she posts According to professor of American religious history Jana Riess, a prominent theme in Meyer's novels is agency.

Meyer's first novel, Twilight, has won numerous honors, including: A New York Times Editor's Choice; A Publishers Weekly Best Book of the Year

Meyer continued writing to the end chronologically, not worrying about the backstory. Stephenie Meyer is the author of the "Twilight" series of fantasy books gaining popularity in the current young adult readers' market. However, she has adult fans, as well.