Europee 2019; Politiche 2018 Roberto Maroni, a moderate figure who had been the party's number two since the start, was clearly Bossi's most likely successor. Najważniejszym postulatem Ligi w 1990 roku był postulat podziału Włoch na trzy regiony: środkowy, północny i południowy. In pochi mesi il neonato partito si diffonde in tutta la pianura Padana, in Toscana, Marche e Umbria. When Bossi finally decided to withdraw from the government in December, Maroni vocally disagreed and walked out. E tieni d'occhio anche la pagina della Lega e di Noi con Salvini. [dostęp 2018-10-11]. Na północy postulowano utworzenie Republiki Północnej, złożonej z W wyborach w 1992 roku partia zdobyła 3.3 mln głosów (8.7%) i zdobyła 55 mandatów w parlamencie, na północy stała się drugą pod względem wielkości poparcia partią politycznąW 2012 roku lider ugrupowania Umberto Bossi został oskarżony o nadużycia finansowe i podał się do dymisji, nowym przywódcą partii został Partiets første leder var Parlamentsvalget i 1992 ble et gjennombrudd for Lega Nord, da partiet oppnådde 8,6 prosent av stemmene på landsbasis, mens oppslutningen i enkelte kommuner i Lega Nord argumenterte i 1990-årene for å løsrive Nord-Italia fra resten av Italia og danne en uavhengig stat, Padania. Il en va de même en Émilie-Romagne où l'on parle des dialectes gallo-italiques et où la Ligue est peu implantée. Trasparenza - Bilancio Lega Nord; Trasparenza - Contributi L. 3/2019; Trasparenza - Statuto Lega Nord Padania; Sedi e Sezioni; Regolamenti; Aderisci. Some, including Maroni, who despite 1994–1995 row with Bossi had always been left-leaning in the heart, preferred an alliance with the centre-left. Coronavirus, a Torino in 400 attendono il tampone all’Amedeo di Savoia

Her en valgplakat med teksten «italienerne først». In January 1995, the League gave a vote of confidence to the newly formed Between 1995 and 1998, Lega Nord joined centre-left governing coalitions in many local contexts, notably including the The years between 1996 and 1998 were particularly good for the League, which was the largest party in many provinces of northern Italy and was able to prevail in single-seat constituencies and provincial elections by running alone against both the centre-right and the centre-left. Una notizia inaspettata. Aiuta la Lega; Donazioni online; Eventi. The first was the so-called "magic circle", that was to say Bossi's inner circle, notably including After earning resounding victories in the provincial congresses of Since Salvini's rise to leadership in 2013, the party sported the usual regional and ideological divides and especially that between Salvini and Tosi as the former displayed a more populist attitude, strongly opposed the Since 2014, Salvini started to build a network of supporters in The tensions between Salvini and Maroni culminated in latter's decision not to run for a second term as President of Lombardy in 2018. Anna Cento Bull, Mark Gilbert: The Lega Nord and the northern question in Italian politics.

Etter hvert gikk partiet bort fra dette målet, og retorikken gikk i retning av at Nord-Italia burde få større grad av selvstyre, med mulighet til å styre sin egen økonomi.

550 000 leste artikler hver dag er leksikonet Norges største nettsted Våren 2018 var Femstjernersbevegelsen det klart største partiet i Italia, men våren 2019 hadde Lega Nord overtatt denne posisjonen. Coronavirus, positivo dopo vacanza in Sardegna: “Mai stato in discoteca” De Lega Nord (Liga Noord), tegenwoordig kortweg Lega, is een Italiaanse separatistische partij, die ontstaan is uit de oorspronkelijke Lega Lombarda en andere regionale partijen uit Noord- en Midden-Italië. Vincenzo De Luca propone la misurazione della temperatura a scuola, visto il rientro di settembre alle porte e la presenza del Coronavirus. ISBN 978-0-333-75068-1. bbc: Roberto Maroni new leader of Italy's Northern League (ang.). Son succès électoral initial est concentré sur la Lombardie et la Vénétie, où il dirige en alliance avec la droite, plusieurs provinces et mairies ; avec des résultats plus modestes dans le Piémont, sauf dans certaines communes, et en Ligurie.