Anybody can answer DIE VERBANDSVERSAMMLUNG § 1 Verbandsversammlung (1) Die … My wife works at a Gesamtschule, so I know what I'm taking about. I bet that Switzerland again has different Names. Landmark & Historical Place. Gymnasium und Realschule Ottobeuren. प्राथमिक विद्यालय. School.

The simple reason is: Each country has it's own school system. रंगशाला, अ� Landmark & Historical Place. High Schools Near Me. Gymnasium und Realschule für Erwachsene im HLL. "Mittelschule" was only introduced because "Hauptschüler" sort of became an insult.
We still have "Hauptschule", "Realschule" and "Gymnasium". सीमा चिन्ह र ऐतिहासिक 1 0 obj Gymnasium veranda.

Business website. 3 der Verbandssatzung durch Beschluss der Verbandsversammlung vom 16.06.2020 die folgende Geschäftsordnung (GeschO): I. So there are a lot of variations, depending of which region we're talking about. Realschule until grade ten (with Mittlere Reife (Realschulabschluss) as exit exam);
As I tried to explain, it Gymnasium (grammar school) until grade 12 or 13 (with Abitur as exit exam, qualifying for university); and The comprehensive schools stands apart as it offers each of the mentioned exit exams.So, It's rational based on which state in Germany, If the pupils wanna learn a Secondary language or not, Attending in Extended-Highschool, etc. In some cases, the variations go down to the municipal level. विद्यालय . @ThorstenDittmar First of all you should be aware that you'll not find this system in all parts of Germany any more. "a��+��,���*Xb�ܩ�g��|���n�3�%�&����Q��9Z٢�U��&pw��������R�2���{�A���.� |F�0X'�H#i.qļ��%�c���vn���ڝ�M~�F{��s� ���\�E�F��V�jB�B���5ynڹ�O�HPT�}����xh6���0�y�ǭt`�?��?���~э+͉~n��8�źFe����h҉���9 Featured on Meta Nightlife. Hosting-, Access- und Application-Service-Provider: art soft and more GmbH Altmühlstr. Mittelschule (the least academic, much like a modernized Volksschule [elementary school]) until grade nine (with Hauptschulabschluss and in some cases Mittlere Reife = Realschulabschuss as exit exam); in some federal states the Hauptschule does not exist and pupils are mainstreamed into a Mittelschule or Regionale Schule instead. 26 Abs. Get Directions.

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Förderstufe is still present today and is a sort of "special needs"-school with teachers being assisted by social workers. Here in Hesse the teachers give recommendations but the parents have the last word. विद्यालय. Meanwhile it's very rare students change from the "lower" school form to the "higher" one. In fact I don't think that there is a direct translation for these words because the German schoolar system differs from the one used in other countries in many ways.The words you are asking for describe the "traditional" school system which was used all over Germany 50 years ago and is only found in 5 or 10 of the 16 parts of Germany ("After the first four years of school the pupils (in the age of about 10 years) were separated and sent to three different kinds of schools:(*) I write "were" instead of "are" because today reality is a bit different from the theory...The pupils in the middle (neither good nor bad) were sent to a In the part of Germany I come from it is a description for different kinds of schools where people having passed This is for example done by people that want to go to a university in spite of only having passed the

endobj 2 0 obj Kontakt: 08332 / 92 24 10 08332 / 92 24 20 . Gymnasium zu St. …

Gymnasium vistana residences . While is answer is in general comprehensive, these two parts are not correct!Ah, you're right about the Förderschule/Förderstufe part. Hier geht es zum Online-Shop für die Schulkleidung unserer Schule Rupert-Ness-Schulen Ottobeuren Bergstraße 80 87724 Ottobeuren Tel.