Chris Howland started his career as a radio presenter here.The Laeiszhalle is available for hire. After the Second World War, which the Laeiszhalle survived unscathed, the hall experienced an unusual intermezzo: the British occupying forces used the rooms as a temporary broadcasting centre for their military radio station BFN (British Forces Network).

We look forward to welcome you to our fantastic live shows at the Estrel Showtheatre!In keeping with the Berlin Senate's social distancing and hygiene requirements for cultural events, we had to adapt our procedure both in front of and behind the stage. For 22 years, Berlin’s most successful show, "Stars in Concert", has been bringing the top international looks-and-sound-alike artists to Berlin for you, creating the perfect illusion of Marilyn Monroe, Louis Armstrong, Amy Winehouse, Robbie Williams, Adel, Michael Jackson and more. And the outstanding accompanying band, dancers and professional lighting and technical staff ensure that "Stars in Concert" is an unforgettable theatrical experience. The gradually ascending audience area with an encircling balustrade offers seating for 150 people.The Brahms Foyer owes its name to the marble sculpture of Johannes Brahms, created for the Laeiszhalle in 1909 by Leipzig artist Max Klinger. We are very happy to announce, that we are back on stage! Tina Turner, Marilyn Monroe, Louis Armstrong, Jennifer Lopez,  Adele,  Amy Winehouse  oder Robbie Williams – in Berlins erfolgreichster Show „Stars in Concert“ lassen seit 23 Jahren die international besten Doppelgänger die bekanntesten Musikstars zur perfekten Illusion werden. Jan: Feb: Mär: Apr: Mai: Jun: Jul: Aug: Sep: Okt: Nov: Dez: 2020: 2021: 2022 Bei Fragen erreichen Sie uns unter der Ticket-Hotline 030 6831 6831 sowie unter Seit neun Jahren steht Suzie Kennedy in der international erfolgreichen Doppelgänger-Show „Stars in Concert“ auf der Bühne. Darüber hinaus begeistern Tribute-Shows über ABBA, die Beatles, Blues Brothers, Tina Turner oder Elvis das Publikum. Und nicht nur im Estrel Showtheater Berlin, sondern auch in jeder anderen Location sorgen wir für mitreißendes Entertainment. Stars In Concert von 14.10.2020 bis 22.11.2020 in Berlin, Estrel Showtheater. As the largest and most modern concert hall of its time in Germany, the Laeiszhalle was officially opened on 4 June 1908.

Girls! Please respect the privacy of other visitors and help ensure an undisturbed concert experience for all guests and artists. Chamber music concerts and receptions as well as film and photo shoots are accommodated in the festive foyer on the first floor.

– Here at the Estrel show theatre, we feature the very best in Las Vegas style entertainment all year round. The resident orchestra of the Laeiszhalle is the The well-known Hamburg shipping company owner Carl Heinrich Laeisz gave the Laeiszhalle its name. With this in mind, we have developed an extensive hygiene concept that meets all the current requirements for corona prevention.

Datenschutz. Get a sneak peek of Jonas Kaufmann performing “E lucevan le stelle” from Puccini’s Tosca from Saturday's inaugural "The Met Stars in Concert".

Bette Midler. Since 1998, the theatre has been run by Freddy Burger Management. Karten Preis; Stars in Concert, Festival KulturImZelt - Großes Zelt, 17.08.2021 - 1. "Stars in Concert" features live performances portraying superstars such as Madonna, Tina Turner, Elton John, Robbie Williams, Amy Winehouse and many more. From the beginning, great composers and conductors such as Richard Strauss, Sergei Prokofiev, Igor Stravinsky and Paul Hindemith performed and directed their own works in the Laeiszhalle, and the concert hall still plays host to stars of the international music scene today.