2.5K likes. It is now merged with Sobol's update 1.21. Log in or register to post comments; Description: Available in this version of the package we have 26 different MAN Lion's City A21 and A37 versions (the latter temporarily only in the hybrid version), and Neoplanów N4516, and midików MAN-Goeppel A76 in 2 versions of 9.55m and … Due to this, there have been some changes with the buses in our depot: No 1237 MAN Lion's City A21 Euro 6 has been updated. This page is dedicated to 2 Omsi addon creators.

Your attention is a big pack MANov from Sobol. NEOMAN Overhaul by Sobol 1.2 (MAN Lion's City & Neoplan N45xx) 2.6K likes. Als Gast kannst du nur Inhalte in deiner ausgewählten Sprache sehen. Alle Themen sind in den Foren mit einer Sprachflagge gekennzeichnet: = Englisch [EN], = Deutsch [DE], = Französisch [FR]. OMSI 2 Buses. My name is Mateusz, but I am known more as Sobol. Strona poświęcona 2 twórcom dodatków do OMSI. Zamieszczane tutaj będą postępy z prac. Currently it has:Once Sobol updates his pack I will update ours also with the new features and bugfixes. Try hard-refreshing this page to fix the error. Something went wrong while trying to load the full version of this site. We have received his permission to distribute this version for our company members.We do have permission to host this modified version of Sobol's original pack from him.I cant upload the update fully before the end of the week, but should be able to download it from As newer versions of NEOMAN addon from Sobol have what I want specifically included already, this version will slowly be deprecated. ... Omsi 2 – MAN Lion’s Coach & Lion’s Coach L - 14,495 views; Omsi2 – Solaris Urbino IV - 13,104 views; Omsi 2 – MB Sprinter 312D and 412D - 9,633 views; Omsi 2 – Solaris Urbino PL Mega Pack - 9,231 views; Omsi2 – Setra 415 NF - 8,915 views; Omsi2 – Mercedes-Benz O530 G + O530 V2, O520 V2 - 6,508 views; Omsi 2 – MAN Lions City A20 by … MAN Lion's City pack (our edit of Sobol's PL pack) ... MAN Lion's City pack (our edit of Sobol's PL pack) GameBurrow. I will deprecate parts of this pack (and replace buses in our depot) with original ones once newer versions of them have been released.First buses to be replaced are the A21 3D and A37 3D Hybride once the latest version of Neoman pack is released to public.A23 3D and A78 will stay in the company from this pack until Sobol has released them officially in Neoman pack.There will still problably one more patch for this pack to fix few of the bugs I still know and want to try to fix. A virtual company for OMSI, ATS & ETS 2. No 1238 MAN Lion's City A21 Euro 6 CNG has been replaced with MAN Lion's City A37 Hybrid, thus new permissions will need to be aquired. Old permissions stayed. Willkommen in der OMSI-WebDisk! There are dedicated Polish and German versions. Type. We have different variants of Euro 3 (stylized for the early 2005 year), Euro 4 (for the year 2007), EEV (for the year 2011), as well as Euro 6 ('jets', or also called 'cricket' for 2017), there are also realistic versions of CNG natural gas available. This page is dedicated to 2 Omsi addon creators. Zamieszczane tutaj będą postępy z prac. I will deprecate parts of this pack (and replace buses in our depot) with original ones once newer … Registrierte Nutzer können die Sichtbarkeit anderer Sprachen in ihrem Kontrollzentrum aktivieren, weitere Infos hier.

Sobol OMSI 2 Mods. Wenn du die angegebene Sprache nicht beherrschst, schreibe auf … Strona poświęcona 2 twórcom dodatków do OMSI. Current objective is to make as realistic as possible A21 (12m with horizontal engine) and A23 (18m) versions, and later add more interesting versions to it.

Available in this version of the package we have 26 different MAN Lion's City A21 and A37 versions (the latter temporarily only in the hybrid version), and Neoplanów N4516, and midików MAN-Goeppel A76 in 2 versions of 9.55m and 8.61m, which were made in such a way that physics is correct in them. This is a modified version of Sobol's MAN Lion's City Pack that has changed up a bit for better suit our company by GameBurrow.