However, a last-minute change in the election rules by the Despite over two years to go before the next presidential and parliamentary elections, many observers alleged that the government was preparing for an early vote soon after the 2017 referendum.The election process was overshadowed many multiple allegations of violations of its integrity. After the first elections, there were a number of criticisms of the government due to the Russo-Turkish War, 1877–1878 by the representatives, and the assembly was dissolved and an election called on 28 June 1877. As a result, the remaining four successful applicants were as follows. CHP leader The HDP nominated Selahattin Demirtaş, their former leader who was also the HDP's candidate in Upon announcing the İyi Party's establishment on 25 October 2017, party leader Meral Akşener announced that she would be a candidate in the presidential election.In the run-up to the election, SP leader Temel Karamollaoğlu managed to carry his party to the mainstream media following a number of speeches where he heavily criticised the government. The 2018 Turkish presidential election took place on 24 June 2018 as part of the 2018 general election, alongside parliamentary elections on the same day. The election was originally scheduled for November 2019. Crucially, the office of the The constitutional changes were approved by a 51-49% margin, according to official results. In the run-up to the election, various parties underwent a Serving president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was widely seen as the undisputed candidate of the People's Alliance, an alliance set up by the governing Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the far-right Nationalist Movement Party (MHP).

In response, party leader Meral Akşener claimed that she had not embarked on her campaign with any expectations from 'the government's media'.On 7 May, a group armed with knives and clubs consisting of allegedly 50 to 60 people approached an On 8 May, the house of İyi Party founding member Mehmet Aslan in On 26 May, a group of Felicity Party and Nationalist Movement Party (MHP) activists engaged in a brawl in During a leaked speech of a private meeting with AKP officials, Erdoğan ordered them to go in a great number as official representatives in voting locations to seize control of the ballot boxes, ensuring that the "work there would be finished before it even started". Prominent among them was the allegation of widespread ballot stuffing for the benefit of AKP and MHP parties in Turkey's east, in particular in Voters abroad were not eligible to give signatures, prompting Perinçek to appeal to the Selahattin Demirtaş was officially announced as the candidate of the People's Democratic Party (HDP) on 4 May 2018, after members of the party had hinted at his candidacy weeks in advance.Meral Akşener was nominated as the candidate of the İyi Party on 4 May 2018, after she had successfully collected the 100,000 signatures required for minor party candidates to gain ballot access. The number of signatures needed to formally become a candidate was 100,000. Reportedly, she passed this threshold less than four hours after having launched her signature collection campaign.Temel Karamollaoğlu was nominated as the candidate of the Felicity Party (SP) on 6 May 2018, after he had successfully collected the 100,000 signatures required for minor party candidates to gain ballot access. Despite insistence from the government There were two parliamentary governments during the Ottoman period in what is now Turkey. This was confirmed by MHP leader The main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) began a wide search for a candidate, with several rumours that the party was content with supporting a cross-party candidate that was not necessarily in line with the party's values as part of an election alliance. With the support of the Nationalist Movement Party (MHP), the government was able to enact a referendum in Parliament, with the vote being set for 16 April 2017. Following the approval of constitutional changes in a referendum held in 2017, the elected President will be both the head of state and head of government of Turkey, taking over the latter role from the to-be-abolished office of the Prime Minister. The following sections give list of key results. Voting opened on the June 9 with more than 100,000 Turkish nationals eligible to vote across the United States. The number of seats in the Grand National Assembly was to be increased from 550 to 600, although the legislative powers of Parliament would be greatly reduced. This would be done in order to prevent HDP crossing the 10% electoral threshold, which would greatly help the AKP and prevent a repeat of the "Supported by the left-wing political parties and groups of the