3. Ankle – the circumference of your ankle at the smallest point between the calf muscle and the ankle. A ripped 170-180 lbs is often scoffed at in some circles. This partly comes back to the point I made above about consistency.

These figures are not exact by any means and progress will obviously vary depending on genetics, training, diet, etc. I get questions all the time from normal guys who are 5'10'' but want to be a ripped 190lb. This can be explained by the law of diminishing returns.During the first six months of weight training, one might see a muscle gain of 1.5-2 lbs per month; that sweet newbie magic, where you gain muscle at a rapid rate. © 2020 scoobysworkshop.com llc, all rights reserved. That being said, you can’t reach your genetic ceiling in six months like some internet marketers wants you to believe. They burn out and end up looking mediocre 10 years down the road.Not only is measuring and quantifying vital to make progress but it’s also a great aid in order to find and maintain your motivation in the long-term. By filling in my details I consent with the privacy policy. Based on this research, a FFMI of 25 was suggested as the max for a natural body builder. 1 lb of muscle every 4th month.Beyond a decade of consistent weight training…well, you get the point. 1995 Oct;5(4):223-8 which uses the Fat Free Mass Index (FFMI) to determine the upper bounds on your natural muscularity. Jump to page: Results 1 to 30 of 62 Thread: Calculate your maximum muscular potential.

173cm tall (5’8), your stage-shredded maximum will be ~75kg (165lbs). All rights reserved.

No, but I’m saying it’s pretty damn close and that the true limit will not differ from height – 100 in any meaningful way. Scroll down a bit to see examples of what I mean.Now, the inquiring mind would probably like to know why I determine the formula by “ripped” body weight and not something a little more moderate like 10-12% body fat. height – 90-95).This is a very controversial topic. Failed! And embrace the process.

Saying you can get to this and that body weight without drugs doesn’t mean anything unless you consider the body weight in relation to height and body fat percentage.

That’s the topic I’m going to revisit today.I’ve talked about the maximum muscular potential before in the short article Suffice to say, the bodybuilders that appear on the cover of muscle magazines serves as poor role models for what’s possible without “assistance”. While I won’t go as far as saying that they’ve all reached their ceiling in terms of muscle gains, they’ve come very far. How much muscle mass can you expect to gain in a year and what is your ultimate maximum naturalSome maximum muscle prediction calculators use the correlation of wrist size and ankle size of past bodybuilders to predict the limits of natural muscularity, my approach is different. And what does it take to get there? I’ve run a lifter of different heights with a 7″ wrist and 8.75″ ankle through the calculator to show his predicted body weights (at 10% body fat) and lean body mass. The calculations from section one puts me at about 186lbs at 10% body fat for my maximum muscular potential. The research found that 26 is the maximum FFMI for natural bodybuilders so substituting 26 for the FFMI and solving for LeanBodyMass gives the following formula for the LeanBody MassLeanBodyMass = height^2 * (26 – 6.1*( 1.8m – height))The above equation gives the maximum natural body mass for a given height. Can I possibly know for sure that the clients I’m about to post as examples of maximum muscular potential are Without further ado, below you’ll see examples of natural clients that competed fairly recently. 178cm tall (5’10) your stage-shredded maximum will be ~80kg (176lbs). This is Part 1 of a 2-part series on reaching your maximum muscular potential. Processing. Show Printable Version; Email this Page… Subscribe to this Thread… Search Thread . Casey Butt’s Maximum Muscular Potential Calculator. Unfortunately, something went wrong. He has degrees in physics with an applied math minor, pure math with a biochemistry minor, electrical engineering, a Masters in mechanical engineering and a Ph.D. in controls engineering.

and no hardcore sodium/water manipulation.So basically, the formula is closer to (height in cm) – 98 = kg body weight when hydrated.Furthermore, while 100 is a nice and round number, you’ll obviously see some variance here as well. The article presenting the equations utilized by this calculator can be found here: If you haven’t read the first part of this series, go ahead and check it out before diving into this article. The following calculator gives you an estimate of the maximum muscular measurements (at roughly 8 to 10% bodyfat) that a drug-free genetically superior trainee of your structure is likely to attain. Send it! What factors are important if you hope to reach your maximum muscular potential?With the right approach from the get go, you could probably save a ton of time.

According to a 2007 study, a higher birth weight is positively associated with greater long-term potential for muscle gain. Well, I’ve only known a handful of guys who I was 100% sure of being natural. The following calculator gives you an estimate of the maximum muscular bodyweight and muscular measurements (at roughly 8 to 10% bodyfat) that a drug-free trainee of your structure is likely to attain. And if the hard numbers improve, so will your body.OK, so this post actually started out as a client update, but then I went off on a tangent and started writing about something different. Here is the forumula for FFMI:FFMI = (LeanBodyMass / height^2) + 6.1*(1.8m – height)where height is in meters and LeanBodyMass is in kilograms.