Themes: Metaphysical poetry is spiritual & has often religious themes. Metaphysical Poetry has been one of the most unique genres in English Literature owing to a number of aspects. I would love to introduce my students to metaphysical poetry, but I have a feeling that it could very easily become too intense and confusing for them. issues are available in JSTOR shortly after publication.In order to preview this item and view access options please enable javascript.Check to see if your institution has access to this content.To support researchers during this challenging time in which many are unable to get to physical libraries, we have expanded our free read-online access to 100 articles per month through December 31, 2020.©2000-2020 ITHAKA. All the major features of this kind of poetry were so unique that even some terms have been derived to point exclusively towards these aspects. They also ignored structural experimentation in order to concentrate on style and theme. Here is a short definition, based upon the metaphysical poetry of the seventeenth century. You have javascript disabled. How to use metaphysical in a sentence. Such poetry used a variety of forms and structures, but employed similar styles. Metaphysical poetry refers to the poetry of the seventeenth-century that combines emotion with intellect, often in unconventional or blunt ways, with the goal of understanding the human mind. Metaphysical poetry is defined as poetry dating from the 17th century in Britain that has an abstract and ethereal style. Literary Devices: Metaphysical poetry uses metaphors, puns, paradoxes & meter to create drama & tension.In addition, Metaphysical poetry uses scientific, medical & legal words & phrases to create arguments about the philosophical aspect of life. For a good anthology of the metaphysical poets, we recommend Metaphysical Poetry (Penguin Classics). To access this article, please 261-272 - Sep., 1934), pp. Some were prone to hyperbolic abstraction, while others moved towards Neo-Platonism and the perfection of beauty. In “On a Dew Drop,” he uses the line “so the soul, that drop” to compare a dew drop with the human soul.I’m a middle school English teacher who is currently doing a segment on poetry. Metaphysical definition, pertaining to or of the nature of metaphysics. Characteristics. The poem is famous for its enigmatic reference to the poet’s ‘vegetable love’ – which has, perhaps inevitably, been interpreted as a sexual innuendo, and gives us a nice example of the metaphysical poets’ love of unusual metaphors. Clear answers for common questions He is best known for “To His Coy Mistress,” but also wrote metaphysical poems. The "moving wall" represents the time period between the last issue Such poetry used a variety of forms and structures, but employed similar styles.

I would love to give them a sample of all the different forms of poetry I can, but I don’t want to throw out anything that might be too much. The metaphysical conceit, associated with the Metaphysical poets of the 17th century, is a more intricate and intellectual device.

This was compared with Seventeenth century lyrical poets gave rise to the idea of metaphysical poetry in Britain. Moreover, it focuses on love, as the union of soul. Metaphysical Poetry. Some of the kids seem surprisingly enthused about it, which is fantastic because I’ve always been a lover of poetry and metaphysical poetry, in particular. Clear answers for common questions Moving walls are generally represented in years. I attempt, hazardously perhaps, to include all the poetry that is pertinent, and to exclude all that is not truly metaphysical: Metaphysical Poetry is a paradoxical inquiry, imaginative and intellectual, which exhausts, by its use of antithesis and contradic