There are a plethora of options for you to choose from when you are in Nepal- trekking, mountaineering, hiking, rafting, and jungle safari. If you are willing to spend 10-12 days then you can consider doing Manaslu Circuit Trek:Thanks for your amazing travel guide and photos are mind-blowing.Thank you Sarah, and yeah Pokhara is amazing indeed!This is really useful for those people who are seeking to know about trekking destination. This trek is appropriate for those are restricted for high altitude treks. The village is a home for solitary Tibetan-Buddhists- Sherpas with antique monasteries and cultures.This is a rugged and wild trek in the north of Annapurna region. I am waiting for your reply.Here is the link, it is an online map and requires an internet connection. He has been to Everest base camp more than eight times. He is the one who mostly answers your queries by giving the personal touch and experience.Are the easy short walks acceptabe for a 60 year-old foreign man who lives in Kathmanu.Although we categorize it as easy it is not easy! 30.08.2019 - Erkunde Ts Pinnwand „Nepal reisen“ auf Pinterest. Die Sommer sind hier heiß und feucht. In this trek, you walk through the rustic terrains of Trans-Himalayan mountains. Having said that, you are trekking/hiking in the Himalayas. that helps you to choose the best trek for your needs.I recommend you to contact us to get a more personalised recommendation.Pradeep is the co-founder of Magical Nepal.

Es herrschen die perfekten Wetterbedingungen für einen Aufstieg im Himalaya-Gebirge. It is hard to recommend a challenging and short trek at the same time. Langtang Valley Trek is one of the popular treks not much far from Kathmandu city. You can check this article: We are looking for a 6-8 day hike. Unless you know what you are doing, we don’t recommend solo trekking for an inexperience hiker. These Are you thinking of walking in the terrains of Nepal? I’m an experienced climber and like a challenge. Die Ziele werden nach objektiven Kriterien (Klima, Budget, Aktivitäten ...) und nicht kommerziellen Angeboten entsprechend dargestellt.© 2014-2020 Des Clics Nomades SAS - Alle Rechte vorbehalten In this trek, you will visit glaciers and snow-capped in a short distance from Kathmandu.

On walking you explore the local tourism-related activities. Or you can have a look at the local handicrafts and tourism activities. So kommt es ab Mai zur Tagesmitte zu einem starken Temperaturanstieg, während gegen Ende des Tages starke Regenfälle der Sonne folgen. You can enjoy mild walks to the breathtaking treks in the same country.Alongside with the typical Sherpa culture and antique monasteries.

On The Siklesh trek takes you into the pristine hillside settlements on the lap of giant peaks. En route, you cross the ancient village of Mincha- a village famous for Buddhist Stupas. Also, the museum in the villages adds joy to your trek. Do you know of a feasible hike at this time of year?August is monsoon in Nepal. Wann ist die beste Reisezeit für Kathmandu?
The rainy season(June to August) is good for Upper Mustang and Upper Dolpo trekNepal is fairly safe. Gokyo valley is a valley of iced lakes and glaciers. You pass through the villages of Tibetan tribes- Rais, Limbus. The terraced rice fields, lush vegetations, and alpine meadows make the place heaven on earth. Dieses Phänomen ist auch für die Stadt Neu-Delhi in Indien charakteristisch. It suits for those who are time-bound and prone to high altitudes. Different glaciers, hanging icicles and the glamorous landscapes en route add adventure to your treks.It starts from Sundarijal- a short drive to the north of the Kathmandu city.

Als Grundsatz gilt, dass mit zunehmender Höhe die Temperaturen und auch die Niederschläge abnehmen. While on your stay, you can join Rodhi Ghar- late night singing and dancing. Hier sind einige Informationen, um Ihnen bei der Entscheidung zu helfen: Die besten Monate für gutes Wetter in Kathmandu sind Januar, Februar, März, April, Oktober, November und Dezember; Im Durchschnitt sind die wärmsten Monate April, Mai, Juni, Juli und August; Januar ist der kälteste Monat im Jahr On this trek, you enter into the world of serene surrounding, exotic landscapes, and amazing countryside views.Rara lake trek takes you to the remote villages of Jumla and Mugu districts of Nepal. I am looking for some circuit route about 15-18 days in period September- November 2019, rather less visited.I understand it is very difficult to choose a one. On this trek, you walk through the lush rhododendron forests and serene landscapes. I received alot of information of distinct destinations. I recommend you to check this link What is the minimum cost to trek Everest base camp if I am Nepali, what are the most essential paying before trek starts??