It is also a long established convention that The Queen is asked by Parliament to provide consent (which is different to assent) for the debating of bills which would affect the prerogative or interests of the Crown. Australian Parliament House will be closed to the public from 24 August to 3 September. Its origins date from the court of the Norman kings, which met in private - hence the description 'privy'. For her Diamond Jubilee in 2012, The Queen received over 120,000 cards, letters and gifts. The Queen and the royal family continue to take part in many traditional ceremonies. Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee.Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne.Pour de longs textes, utilisez le meilleur traducteur en ligne au monde !Les tribunaux britanniques n'ont malheureusement pas encore euand the "fountain of justice"; the Queen is still commander of the military forces of the la « source de justice » ; elle commande en chef les forces militaires du royaume.à la majorité relative ou selon ce qu'il est convenu d'appeler le «First past the post system») et la Chambre des lords, cette dernière étant constituée majoritairement de membres nommés.Featured in this issue are articles about restorationJapan, and the benefits of facilities upgrading, as well as a discussion on the ephemeral artwork of Christo and Jeanne-Claude.des parasites au Japon et sur les avantages de la modernisation des installations, de même qu'une discussion sur l'art éphémère de Christo et Jeanne-Claude.Il eut l'honneur historique d'être président du Sénatto Canada the jurisdiction and control over the said region, the Government and Parliament of Canada will be ready to provide the legal rights of any corporation, company or individual within the same shall be respected, and placed under the protection of Courts of competent jurisdiction. Neither House can proceed to public business until The Queen's Speech has been read. As many organisations around the country are reopening, I send my warmest best wishes and support to business communities throughout the United Kingdom, Commonwealth and across the world.Never give up, never despair - that was the message of VE DayA message from Her Majesty The Queen on the 75th anniversary of VJ day A message of condolence from Her Majesty The Queen to the President of the Republic of Lebanon A message from Her Majesty The Queen to the British Red Cross A message from Her Majesty The Queen on Armed Forces Day A message from Her Majesty The Queen to the British Chambers of Commerce An address by Her Majesty The Queen on the 75th anniversary of VE Day However, the formal advice on which Her Majesty acts in relation to Wales is provided by her UK ministersThe Northern Ireland Assembly was established as part of the Good Friday Agreement of 10 April 1998 as the prime source of authority for all devolved responsibilities.A total of 108 members were elected to the Assembly on 25 June 1998 by Proportional Representation (Single Transferable Vote) from the existing 18 Westminster constituencies.The Assembly was given full legislative and executive authority in respect of those matters previously within the remit of six Northern Ireland government departments: the Departments of Agriculture, Economic Development, Education, Environment, Finance and Personnel, and Health and Social Services.The Queen met members of the Assembly when she visited the Assembly building at Stormont as part of her Golden Jubilee tour of the United Kingdom in 2002, and again in 2005, and in her Diamond Jubilee tour in 2012.The Queen is Head of the Privy Council. As Head of State The Queen has to remain strictly neutral with respect to political matters.By convention, The Queen does not vote or stand for election, however Her Majesty does have important ceremonial and formal roles in relation to the government of the UK.The formal phrase 'Queen in Parliament' is used to describe the British legislature, which consists of the Sovereign, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.