Our US customs database covers exporter name, qty., value and more bill of lading data based on actual shipments. USA import data derives from bill of lading and manifest data. 30.8% of goods were shipped to importers in Asia, while another 22.5% worth of commodities exported to European buyers.US Export Data is a reliable source for the latest-available commercial intelligence that identifies American export companies, overseas import companies, traded commodities and so on. Mineral fuels & oils also registered a gain of 3.7%. Click any of the State in the geomap to visit the specific subnational profile.United States has a high level of specialization in The highest complexity exports of United States according to the product complexity index (PCI) are The top export opportunities for United States according to the relatedness index, are N/A. This information is based on Bill of Lading, Import Bills, Shipping Bills, Invoices and other documents filed by companies. According to US customs data, these countries shared 48.6% to total exports.Region-wise, 33.4% of US exports by value were delivered to North American trading partners. The United States shipped commodities worth USD 1,6451.1 billion in 2019, a gain of about 7.7% from the previous year.US major 10 exports are Machinery (12.51%), Mineral Fuels & Oils (12.14%), Electronics (10.53%), Aircraft, Spacecraft & Parts (8.27%), Vehicles (8.09%), Optical, Photographic, Medical Equipment (5.52%), Plastics (3.95%), Pearls & Precious Stones (3.62%), Pharma (3.26%) and Organic Chemicals (2.39%)as per US customs data.According to US export statistics, top 10 exports of America accounted for above 70% of the overall value of its global shipments.

The forecast is based in a long short-term memory model or LSTM constructed using yearly trade data.The top product import tariffs by their MFN Ad Valorem value for United States are Click any of the products in the bar chart to see the specific Ad Valorem Duty Rates by partner country.During the last 20 years United States's⁩ ⁨economy has become relatively less complex, moving from the ⁩⁨6th to the 9th⁩ position in the ECI rank.These economic complexity rankings use 6 digit exports classified according to the HS96 classification. As per US export data, the country is 2nd largest in terms of global exports. Relatedness measures the distance between a country's current exports and each product. Get information about the 2020 U.S. Census and learn how to respond. the amount that would be invoiced in the event of sale or purchase at the national border of the reporting country. Export to Excel Source: Eurostat (Comext) , last update Trade value: This is the statistical value, i.e. See a sample of each type below and understand which columns are covered in which United States export data type.Copyright © 2019 Export Genius. Lookup updated US export data and trade statistics by HS code or product.
Main economic indicators, GDP by sector, trade in goods, trade in commercial services, foreign direct investment, imports and exports with the world, ranking, trade balance. A-Z Regions U heeft uw kansen onderzocht en wilt uw product naar de Verenigde Staten (VS) exporteren.

The top services exported by United States in 2017 were Business travel ($156B), Miscellaneous business, professional, and technical services ($112B), Air transport ($65.2B), Other royalties and license fees ($59.7B), and Franchises and similar rights ($47B).The top services imported by United States in 2017 were Business travel ($123B), Miscellaneous business, professional, and technical services ($69B), Air transport ($60.8B), Reinsurance ($45.1B), and Sea transport ($37.1B).This section shows forecasts for total product exports and imports for United States. To explore different subnational trade comparisons in time, visit United States's subnational profiles.In 2018 United States exported a total of $1.44T, making it the number 3 exporter in the world. Find data about the U.S., such as demographic and economic data, population, and maps. We consider only countries with population of at least 1 million and exports of at least $1 billion, and products with world trade over $500 million. Complexity, is associated with higher levels of income, economic growth, less income inequality, and lower emissions. [twysiwyg:internationaal-corona-disclaimer]Om uw product naar de VS te exporteren, moet u rekening houden met een aantal zaken. During the last five reported years the imports of United States changed by $245B from $2.16T in 2013 to $2.41T in 2018.The most recent imports of United States are led by In 2017, United States exported $571B worth of services.

The United States shipped commodities worth USD 1,6451.1 billion in 2019, a gain of 9.5% from the previous year.

This is authoritative US exports statistics covering trade via ocean, air & rail, which is collected from US Customs Authorities, Port Departments, Shipping & Logistics Companies, Trade Associations, Government Bodies and other valid sources. The product space can be used to predict future exports, since countries are more likely to start exporting products that are related to current exports.
Die Statistik zeigt den Wert des Exports von Gütern aus den USA von 2009 bis 2019. Pharma industry represented the fastest growing sector among top-ten export categories, up by 10.8 from the previous year. Zo moet uw product voldoen aan bepaalde Amerikaanse eisen …