You should give your bunny green peppers in small quantities first to see how he or she reacts. Despite the usual problems that any house pet can cause, a rabbit can easily become your best furry friend.Because of this you’ll want to care for your fluff ball in the best possible way and provide him with proper rabbit house, daily playtime, fresh water and the best rabbit food and treats. Rabbits can only eat the green, red, yellow, orange and purple ones. It’s especially important to know what kind of foods your rabbit can and can’t eat because some items can cause serious digestive problems, allergies or even kill your rabbit!To make sure you keep your bunny safe here’s a list of Almonds are nuts that are gown in South Asia and the Middle East.

Make sure not to give your bunny any tomato leaves because they are extremely toxic for rabbits!Turnip can be considered a good snack for your rabbit as long as it’s offered only occasionally.

The safe serving is one packed cup at 2 lbs of the body weight per day, in a rotating cycle. You should start by offering your rabbit only a small amount of mint to see how he or she reacts.Mushrooms should not be given to rabbits – they are very acidic and contain a lot of phosphorus. Unfortunately, when summer came around, the cousins weren’t ready for it, and they had to scramble to perfect their methods. Some people say that they are giving bindweed to their bunnies, but the information found on many websites states that it should not be included in the daily diet because you can’t know for sure how your pet will react to it. An occasional small piece should be fine and safe, but don’t give your rabbit to much. Green Rabbit provides food grade safe temperature controlled warehouses for its clients, an important advantage with the growth of online grocery shopping. Just bring your own food and chilly-bin and cook your meals using the facilities provided in your camp kitchen. All nuts contain a high level of fat that is hard to digest for rabbits.

Only adult rabbits can eat kale.Kiwi is a fruit that can be given to your rabbit, but this kind of food should not represent more than 10 percent of his or her diet. The digestive system of a rabbit will not be able to process the ingredients of chocolate: large quantities of sugar, cocoa, artificial preservatives and flavorings.

Fresh foods are a very important part of your rabbit’s diet because of all the nutrients they provide. It contains a high level of oxalic acid and it should be offered in a rotation with other leafy greens. If your rabbit eats potatoes he or she can experience problems such as diarrhea, appetite loss, lethargy or weakness. Each bean has to be washed very carefully, without soap or detergent and kept wet when given to the bunny. Its leaves and stems can invigorate the circulation, are very good for cold conditions and can stimulate the digestion. However, be careful not to offer your rabbit frozen or dried raspberries. You should not be alarmed though.Beetroot has a high level of sugar and should be given to a rabbit only occasionally, as a treat. Oatmeal can be found in supermarkets or grocery stores in many different forms: crushed, rolled or steel-cut. Green Rabbit provides food grade safe temperature controlled warehouses for its clients, an important advantage with the growth of online grocery shopping. Oranges have high concentration of beneficial nutrients – vitamins A and C, fiber, minerals and water. “As … They cannot digest cereals and grains and every bit of bread can choke them or form intestinal blockages. They are packed with important nutrients and vitamins. A bunny can receive this kind of food as a rare treat, but it’s not a good idea to give him almonds all the time.Rabbits should receive fresh fruits as an occasional treat. The high vitamin C content s really good for your bunny, but you should not exceed the recommended daily amount of 15 percent vegetables. Usually, the reaction to such a plant varies based on the age and general health of the rabbit.Blackberries are a treat that your bunny will mostly enjoy, but these delicious berries contain a lot of sugar that can negatively impact the digestive system of the rabbit if ingested in large quantities.