At the low end of the scale, the first Transfiguration charm learned by Harry's class is changing a match into a needle; the more complex spells include changing creatures from one species to another. The overall mass and size of the object or entity to be transfigured into something else must also be considered, since it was stated by Strangely, whilst there are a variety of limits placed on Conjuration, the branch referred to as The branch of Transfiguration known as transformation magic has the largest number of restrictions placed upon it (both natural and legal).

level). Firstly, even before one becomes an Animagus (both a Trans-species transformation and Human transfiguration) one is monitored closely as attempting to become such a thing is highly dangerous and even if one succeeds one must then register oneself at the Ministry of Magic (or face trial), due to the many potential uses of this kind of transfiguration in criminal activity. The branch of Transfiguration known as transformation magic has the largest number of restriction placed upon it (both natural and legal). It differs from a straight transformation in two ways: firstly, switching targets two objects simultaneously; secondly, the change in one of the pair is dependent on a change in the other. Harry's bones could be regrown overnight using Skelegrow and Hermione could shrink her teeth without braces , but those may have worked because Gamps Gesetz der elementaren Transfiguration (im Original: Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration) handelt von der elementaren Verwandlung des Nichts in etwas Gegenständliches. The Patronus charm, for example, requires the caster to concentrate on a happy memory. Es gibt fünf Ausnahmen von diesem Gesetz, allerdings wird nur eine davon benannt: Nahrungsmittel können nicht magisch aus dem Nichts heraufbeschworen werden.

This refers to a certain degree of immunity against hexes and spells found in powerful creatures such as At Hogwarts, students must study a core group of subjects for the first two years, after which they must choose between several electives. This type of magic is commonly referred to as "Transfiguration." At least some content in this article is derived from information featured in There are limits to Transfiguration, which are governed by Albus Dumbledore and Minerva McGonagall were both former professors of TransfigurationStudents practise actual transfigurations during classes. There are also many branches, including Cros… Transfiguration is a core class and subject taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Was so wirkt, als materialisiere sich ein in die … In Spells are divided into rough categories, such as "Rowling has described death as the most important theme in the books.Likewise, it is not possible to make oneself immortal unless one makes use of an object of great power to sustain life, such as the This is the only exception mentioned explicitly in the series. Human Transfiguration spells are taught at N.E.W.T, level in sixth and seventh years.

Transfiguration is a very systematic, exact magical discipline, working best for the scientifically-inclined mind, and as such it is deemed very hard work (especially compared to There are a number of factors a wizard must take into account when carrying out Transfiguration spells. If this is an animal of lower intelligence (which is more likely than not) then one will, by extension, be entirely dependent on the caster to Usually, a wizard or witch attempting to perform a transfiguration spell would often find it easier to transfigure one thing into something else provided that the state it was orginally in had something in common to what it would be coverted into (i.e. When Voldemort was hiding one of his To create a horcrux, a witch or wizard must first prepare the chosen objectOrdinarily, when one's body is killed, the soul departs for the next world.

—Professor McGonagall introducing Transfiguration to her new students. a statue of a dragon turning into an actual dragon, albeit the same size as it was when it was a statue).