PRIME kill of Kargath Bladefist, on mythic. Kargath needs to >attack< and kill in order to get armor..yeah i’d definitely be on the lucky side of that one cause that’d be so much cancer if that’s how it works I know what could prove it but setting up for it is a pain and not easy. There’s literally no reason why you shouldn’t run this card in pretty much any warrior deck. Control Warrior without Boom is DOA. I’ve seen a lot of talk of this just being good but i don’t think anyone’s talking about how broken this is with sweeping strike (2 mana give a minion “also damage the minion next to whom it attacks”) essentially it’s cleave from battlegrounds you can play this turn 10 and gain 30 Armour the turn this is played i know warrior is the class that gains a lot of Armour all at once but this is taking it above and beyond what should be honestly allowedUnfortunately or luckily, one dev confirmed it doesn’t work that way. Gala Warrior plays 2/2 rush guy, Kor’ron, and Scion. Killed on January 5th, 2015. How many four drops does it want?Furthermore, with Town Crier rotating, it can’t be tutored. Rush. For more information, see Kargath Bladefist. Even aggro might want this – an 8 mana 10/10 with rush can destroy a big taunt and leave a massive body on board to go face next turn.1) it is a legendary – you can only put one in your deck and is supposed to be more powerful than a common card.And if it works with sweeping strikes this could give you 30 armor in one attack though it probably only counts as one attack.Could probably almost single handedly make people tech in plate breaker.It probably does since it says “whenever this kills a minion” which implies it triggers for every minion killed.Wording is whenever this attacks and kills a minion the sweeping strikes may not count as additional attacks since technically you only attacked one minion.That’s why I’m not sure whether it will count or not. Kargath led his new clan to establish a village within the dense, swampy forests of the Spires of Arak called Bladefist Hold. I feel like they’re actually starting to power creep previous cards.A 4 mana 4/4 with rush is essentially a rabid worgen with +1/+1 and +1 mana cost.

Cheap and super fun to play! I tried to do it before but either didn’t live long enough, batterhead died, or never had multiple enemies on board that he could kill at once.“Whenever this attacks and kills” means the total of the attack motion. Much like the rest of his clan, he took great pleasure in causing pain to others, and to himself. sweeping strikes doesn’t give additional armor unfortunately…Jo I build a Infinite Version with Dead Man’s Hand! And with Acolyte being HOF’ed, Warrior has very few ways to draw cards.Control warrior is in demand. Kargath Prime is a 8 Mana Cost Free Warrior Minion card from the Ashes of Outland set! Batterhead has same wording need to summon batter head then live a turn toss sweep on it hit a group of 3 minions and kill all then try hit opponents face.If it works it would have a similar concept to the gonk druid build. Whenever this attacks and kills a minion, gain 10 Armor.

Kargath Prime is an uncollectible warrior minion card generated by Kargath Bladefist, from the Ashes of Outland set. Useless vs control though, unless there is a good way to abuse this deathrattle to put a lot of Prime in your deck !What deck wants to run this card? Check it out on my Profile!

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