Still, we recommend playing this deck if you’re a Rexxar fan as it is the most successful deck Hunter has right now.Reno Warlock has seen minor improvements over the past few months, with the inclusion of Unstable Felbolt and Enhanced Dreadlord, but is still the inferior Warlock deck.
Odd Rogue’s core has stayed the same for the most part, with Spymistress being the only new card being played; although some players are making space for a mini Stealth package with Greyheart Sage. These power plays are still too meager for Wild, though.While Deathrattle Hunter’s lifeline is their new cards, Spell Hunter latches on the reverts to Lesser Emerald Spellstone and Call of The Wild. Odd Demon Hunter can Warglaives of Azzinoth.
The Soul Fragments are helpful to gain health back, and will also decrease the cost of the giant as well!The new Galakrond Warlock mixes in Soul Fragments with Galakrond synergies.Warrior was having quite a good run against all the Demon Hunter in the meta during the early and mid-stages of the Outland meta. The Totem option has gotten some additional cards from Scholomance that should make it even stronger. The Secret Mage is supposed to be bad against Aggro, now they just roll over and die after one Flakmage. Aggro Druid has a big highroll potential with Parachute Brigands and Embiggen, which can steal games from most of the meta, although it does not happen consistently.Aggro Druid relies mostly on Embiggen highrolls and is pretty weak without early 3/3 Patches. Their arrogance can be their undoing, however. Jade Druid has had a fall from grace these last couple months in Wild, despite getting new exciting cards like Fungal Fortunes and Overgrowth. Nevertheless, it’s still next to impossible to win against a great Time Warp Mage hand.Quest Mage still can win against anything, but with the pace of these aggressive strategies, Quest Mage can have some difficulty climbing aggro pocket metas. It reminds me of Dragon Priest of old, where you'd just shove in all the dragons and dragon synergy cards and come out with a pretty good deck. Gone are the days we see Jade Druid and Odd Warrior near the top of the charts. They run a lot of the same cards, but there is enough of a difference to call them different decks. The deck always feels a card or two away from jumping back to the top of the meta.While some people are calling this a Handlock, I don't really think it is one. We are teaming up with Hearthstone-Decks to provide you the most accurate Wild report possible. Lightforged Crusader doesn’t look nearly as atttractive, though.Valeera is at one of her lowest points since the inception of our report. Scholomance has brought it a few new cards, but they don't drastically change the way the deck is played.Galakrond carried Rogue throughout the Ashes of Outland expansion, and the weapon wielding class is looking for something different.

Pirate Warrior, Aggro Druid, Kingsbane Rogue, and all variants of fast Paladins can achieve good success against Time Warp Mage.Open the Waygate nerf hits Reno Time Warp much harder than its non-Highlander cousin. Mage Decks (August 2020) - Scholomance Academy - Standard Ladder - Hearthstone Meta Stats

The current meta is a perfect storm for Bomb Warrior. Spiteful Priest is in the Middle of Tier 3 for now, with little room for improvement.Druid is a class that isn’t too strong, but certainly doesn’t deserve the criminally low playrate it’s been having lately. You can also find some general strategy advice and a breakdown of the deck’s key combos, but we will continue to add much more for Stealth Aggro Rogue over time.

Find most popular Mage decks in different archetypes. It’s funny to see the day Secret Mage does better against other Aggro than against Control, but anything is possible with a game-changer like Arcane Flakmage.Reno Secret Mage is just Secret Mage but weaker. Nevertheless, there’s always hope that the deck will pick up steam as it is refined.Exodia Paladin is now more playable following the buffs to Libram cards (which are not yet playable on their own, so don’t try). It’s three main catalysts—Pirate Warrior, Bomb Warrior, and Odd Warrior—can be used to target different pocket meta for an untroubled climb.Corsair Cache tutoring Ancharrr must be the single greatest adjustment to Pirate Warrior that we’ve seen in two years. It also welcomed the Call of the Wild unnerf, which isn’t the legendary game-ender it once was in WotOG, but still a good card by all means.Reno Hunter likes the Time Warp Mage and Darkest Hour nerfs, as both of the decks didn’t struggle very hard to checkmate Reno Hunter out of the game; and with their nerfs aggro decks and Baku/Genn decks rose up in popularity which makes Reno Hunter better positioned in the meta. Other Aggressive strategies such as Demon Hunter, Even Shaman, and Secret Mage are oftentimes outclassed by Pirate Warrior’s first few turns and the refill of Ancharrr. Its main weakness, as with Murloc Shaman in the past, is that it often loses board early on in Aggro mirrors. Funnily enough, Odd Warrior isn’t even the best anti-aggro deck in the meta.

However, it still has other weaknesses. With further development, the deck could become Tier 2, but currently, it sees very little play. It’s not a resilient as a Voidlord, but it leaves behind a much bigger body that is much more welcomed from Bloodreaver Gul’dan. The new combo core also changed how the deck is built—Valdris Felgorge has been cut in favor of Hemet, Jungle Hunter, which makes the combo executable as soon as turn 7 with the Coin. There are only a few cases where the extra spells matter, though, which are often when the Mage is having a subpar hand, most likely without Flamewakers, or when the Aggro deck has a really explosive opening, and the Mage needs one more turn to finish the game. Note that if you play Aggro Stealth Rogue, you will beat Odd Demon Hunter, so that’s something to consider.Odd Rogue lost Bad Luck Albatross and gained Cursed Vagrant and some Stealth minions. And it’s not like Even Shaman is unfavored against Time Warp Mage.

You've got Devolving Missiles, Transfer Student, Combustion, and Jandice Barov making appearances in the new list.No Minion or Spell Mage is seeing success in the Scholomance meta. It took many nerfs to bring them down in power, but it appears they finally got stabilized towards the end of it. Paladin class cards are decent on their own, and Lightforged Zealot is very good Turn 4 tempo.