Sie befindet sich nordöstlich der Spandauer Altstadt am gegenüberliegenden Havelufer im Berliner Ortsteil Haselhorst und ist eine bekannte Sehenswürdigkeit des Berliner Bezirks Spandau.Kern der Anlage ist eine mittelalterliche Burg, von der noch Bergfried und Palas erhalten sind. Spandau er det femte og vestligste bydelsområde i Berlin.Bydelen var frem til 1920 en autonom by, inden det blev inkorporeret i Stor-Berlin..
Jahrhundert erbaute Zitade… Of the seven, three were released after serving their full sentences, while three others (including Raeder and Funk, who were given life sentences) were released earlier due to ill health. A notable example was Dönitz's dislike of Speer being steadfastly maintained for his entire 10-year sentence, with it only coming to a head during the last few days of his imprisonment. Heute Dauerausstellung zur Geschichte Spandaus.

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Neben dem Zeughaus befinden sich die Reste eines älteren Zeughauses, das während der Die Zitadelle diente immer wieder als Gefängnis für preußische Staatsgefangene. Between 1966 and 1987, Spandau was one of only two Four-Power organizations to continue to operate after the breakdown of the The prison was demolished in August 1987, largely to prevent it from becoming a The prison, initially designed for a population in the hundreds, was an old brick building enclosed by one wall 4.5 m (15 ft) high, another of 9 m (30 ft), a 3 m (10 ft) high wall topped with electrified wire, followed by a wall of The highlight of the prison, from the inmates' perspective, was the garden. On some unusual occasions, the Soviets relaxed their strict regulations; during these times Hess was allowed to spend extra time in the prison garden, and one of the warders from the superpowers took Hess outside the prison for a stroll and sometimes dinner. Die Mainzer Zitadelle steht bereits seit 1907 unter Denkmalschutz. This suited the former The Allied powers originally requisitioned the prison in November 1946, expecting it to accommodate a hundred or more war criminals.

Well-preserved Renaissance military structure in Berlin After the From 1950 to 1986, the citadel housed vocational school Otto Bartning. Following demilitarization, arsenal machinery was used for manufacture of civilian goods by the state owned conglomerate Deutsche Werke AG. Many inmates took full advantage of this. By regulation, all of the produce was to be put toward use in the prison kitchen, but prisoners and guards alike often skirted this rule and indulged in the garden's offerings. Jahrhundert, heute Veranstaltungsräume für private und andere Veranstaltungen Lights out was at 22:00 hours. Very spacious given the small number of prisoners using it, the garden space was initially divided into small personal plots that were used by each prisoner in various ways, usually for the growing of vegetables. The Spandau Citadel (German: Zitadelle Spandau) is a fortress in Berlin, Germany, one of the best-preserved Renaissance military structures of Europe. Das Außenmauerwerk wurde 1885 in der heutigen Form verblendet. In 1806 the citadel's garrison surrendered to the French army under Napoleon without firing a shot during the In 1935, the Army's Gas Protection Laboratory was installed.

Only seven prisoners were finally imprisoned there. The gate house with a draw bridge used to hinder attackers from entering the citadel. Jahrhundert; ältester Bauteil der von Chiaramella de Gandini gestaltet wurde.

Die Schule war hier bis 1986 untergebracht. In recent years it has been used as a museum and has become a popular tourist spot. Zum Schutz der nahegelegenen Residenzstadt Berlin ließen die Die Restaurierung der Bastion Königin erfolgte 1821. The Soviet Union, which suffered 19 million civilian deathsEvery day, prisoners were ordered to rise at 06:00 hours, wash, clean their cells and the corridor together, eat breakfast, stay in the garden until lunch-time at noon (weather permitting), have a post-lunch rest in their cells, and then return to the garden. With four bastions, symmetrically arranged and connected by curtain walls, the Spandau citadel is an ideal example of a 16th-century fortress. Jahrhundert und diente dem Aufbewahren von Uniformen und Waffen. He was often taken to the British Military Hospital not far from the prison, where the entire second floor of the hospital was cordoned off for him.