It is not mandatory to have one and you can be just fine without it. It also reduces recoil.

They allow assault rifles to get more shots out before the recoil begins to really set in and also keep the recoil stable and predictable. Along with compensators and flash hiders, foregrips help to reduce recoil on weapons in PUBG.

PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds drops players into a competitive survival battle where you’ll engage in a heart-racing fight to be the last player left alive. The weakness of this grip is that it reduces weapon steadiness, which might lead to inaccuracy burst shots. However, horizontal recoil is harder to control than vertical recoil, so if your opponents are moving too fast, this One major weakness of the half grip is that weapon stability is reduced while combined with it, due to the grip’s lower weight.

When handling a weapon with a powerful vertical kick like the Beryl M762 or the Tommy Gun, a vertical foregrip would be the appropriate choice. Best equipped on SMGs and assault rifles, the angled foregrip can be very helpful in close and medium range combat where by reducing the time taken to aim and by extension increasing readiness. The other stats that the thumb grip would increase are recoil reduction and weapon stability. But, if you decided to use one, careful considerations must be made. The recoil added is so high that if you are caught off guard in close-quarter or ambushed at medium range, the light grip might even be a detriment to your effort.

Vertical is predictable – you might not even need a grip if you are familiar with the weapon. PUBG has five foregrips that can be attached to weapons from the UMP9 to the SKS. The recoil does not matter much since you are just going to do single shots anyway.Due to its strength in only one area, the light grip is placed last when it comes to choosing an attachment. A light grip does enough to reduce recoil even without a flash hider or compensator. It is therefore best suited for weapons with high vertical recoil or for long-distance shooting where precision is more of a concern over volume of fire. Like what kind of weapon grips they use, for example.Grips can be used on a lot of guns in play and can improve your accuracy greatly.

Light grip (Picture courtesy: It is the only grip that doesn’t affect the vertical or horizontal recoil directly. Grips perform differently on weapons when it comes to recoil so there's usually a preferred grip for a particular weapon. While it increases stability, the light grip also increases recoil and the time taken to recover from it. One of the most common grips, the vertical foregrip does slightly less than the light grip in handling overall recoil.

Even if it is just one shot, with a good grip, you would be able to regain focus faster – that is why one grip could be better than the other on the same gun.Below are our guide for using grips – tips, tricks and strategy to use them to bring out your gun’s greatest potential.The first attachment that needs to be mentioned is the half grip – one of the most commonly used grips to upgrade a player’s burst skill. The Tommy Gun, for example, has the highest recoil of all the SMGs and it fits only a vertical foregrip.

Vertical to quite considerably reduce vertical recoil. To combat that weakness, one should use this grip with weapons that are already too steady, such as the Vector.Many players prefer using the vertical grip over this one, however, based on the data gathered from the majority of players, the thumb grip secured the position of being the most versatile.The thumb grip’s main advantage is that it reduces the time taken to bring up a scope, which is very important to snipers.

Best grip in PUBG: The vertical foregrip. A good grip for any scoped weapon, the thump grip reduces the time taken to open a scope and also reduces overall recoil but not as much as the vertical foregrip. A grip is one of the most important attachment since it plays a big role in helping players achieve a higher number of kills.

This makes it unsuitable for generally stable weapons like the AUG A3, UMP9 and the Vector. Grip Foregrip Vertical; Efek: Pola Rekoil -20.00% Rekoil Vertikal -15.00%: Deskripsi: Attachment Foregrip Vertical mengurangi rekoil vertikal dan pola rekoil ketika kamu menembakkan senjata. In fact, it is the only weapon grip available for the Tommy Gun, SMG class.Similar to the thumb grip, the vertical grip is quite versatile and can be used on a great many situations. If only the vertical grip offers something against horizontal recoil as well – it would be a top tier grip if that was the case.Furthermore, the angled grip offers better ADS speed, which leads to faster spray while scoped. In Mobile shooters, fast reactions and intuitions sometimes are just not enough – a round’s result can be seen by the previous choices the player made….