With Human Design you discover what makes you different from everyone else. Copyright protected 2004 - 2016 © . At the moment of birth, we are imprinted by the information carried by the neutrino stream via the planets. By clarifying everyone's "realm of responsibility," it's liberating and useful in any possible relationship situation - romance, friendship, family, parenting, teaching, counseling, workplace - there's no limit to the applications. This information provides us with the knowledge to understand our nature, potential, and forms of interaction.

All Rights Reserved. Headquartered in Boulder, Colorado, Human Design has provided high quality digital services for some of the largest companies on the planet.

Two columns of numbers on the left and right side of the Bodygraph represent the position of the sun, earth, moon, south & north nodes of the moon and planets. The Human Design System is a synthesis of ancient and modern sciences, and has proven to be a valuable tool for human understanding. Das Human Design System ist ein ganzheitliches Erklärungsmodell. Get your free Human Design Chart. Accede a tu Diseño (Carta del Rave) a través de nuestro servicio online. This imprint is reflected within your Human Design Chart, and determines your particular Design.

Human Design was originated by Alan Robert Krakower who published a book called The Human Design System under the pseudonym Ra Uru Hu in 1992. Human Design Hispania tiene en exclusiva la licencia de Jovian Archive Corporation para España y el idioma español . It is a stream of information, and within each of us exist particles that connect us to the stream. Human Design combines astrology, I Ching, Kabbalah and the Chakras. Explica la diferencia entre los Circuitos Individuales, Colectivos y Tribales, pasando luego a dedicar atención detallada a cada uno de los Canales que los integran. In 2015, the scientists Takaaki Kajita (Super-Kamiokande Collaboration) and

Human Design Hispania tiene en exclusiva la licencia de Jovian Archive Corporation para España y el idioma español . Herzlich willkommen beim deutschsprachigen Human Design System, der revolutionären Methode zur Persönlichkeitsanalyse, die Selbsterkenntnis zur Selbstverständlichkeit werden lässt. Anyone in a helping profession will soon find Human Design an indispensible tool in their arsenal of skills. All Rights Reserved. Reservados todos los Derechos. HUMAN DESIGN IS REALLY A HEALTH MAP !

By continuing to visit this website you agree to our use of cookies. Since Neutrinos have an infinitesimally small amount of mass, as the stream passes through us it leaves information. A fundamental aspect of Human Design is based on what is scientifically known as the Neutrino. Traducido por Iñaki Moraza. Customized chart reports available.

This language can seem a bit technical at first glance, but underneath is the opportunity for a profound life changing transformation that brings about self-acceptance and self … The first and official site of the work By clarifying everyone's "realm of responsibility," it's liberating and useful in any possible relationship situation - romance, friendship, family, parenting, teaching, counseling, workplace - there's no limit to the applications. Es hilft dabei Einblicke zu bekommen, was die eigene Persönlichkeit ausmacht, die individuellen Talente und Fähigkeiten zu erkennen sowie die Interaktion mit anderen besser zu verstehen. Se ofrece en formato PDF, que puedes imprimir o/y leer en tu ordenador, tableta, lector digital...   En este enlace puedes consultar el Con este enlace podrás ver el Boletín más reciente:  EL LIBRO DEFINITIVO DE DISEÑO HUMANO. Eating correctly is one of the, if not the, most important things you can do for your body. Many think it to be the most accurate personal profiling system in the world. The left column (in red) is our Design (our unconscious definition) and the right column (in black) is our Personality (our conscious definition).

Human Design is immensely helpful if you want to live a more conscious life. Human Design books, classes and professionals.

134 páginas con ilustraciones a todo color. This site use cookies.

Das Human Design System ist eine Wissenschaft, die sich mit der Einzigartigkeit von Menschen beschäftigt. ©2020 Copyright Human Design Hispania. Los estudiantes avanzados y los profesionales del Diseño Humano encontrarán en sus páginas una completa y precisa guía de referencia, mientras que los recién llegados dispondrán de una introducción amena y accesible a este sistema.Nuestra nueva página en Facebook te permite acceder en cualquier momento a información actualizada sobre el Diseño Humano y nuestras actividades, así como participar con tus propios comentarios. Das Human Design System HDS zeigt die Talente und die Einmaligkeiten jedes Menschen auf interessante und neuartige Weise In times of personal crisis and conflict—when your relationship is in trouble, or you have problems communicating with your kids, when you feel stuck in any area of your life and are not sure what's going on, Human Design helps you gain a fresh perspective on your life choices and how to handle its challenges. Over time, this helps you learn what brings fulfillment. ... Ra explains the basics of the PHS (Primary Health System) and how Color determination represents the way each and every one of us is naturally determined to have precisely the right digestive process.

Neutrinos are unusual particles that carry an infinitesimal amount of mass. A fundamental aspect of Human Design is based on what is scientifically known as the Neutrino. Human Design is a logical, easily understood system that requires no beliefs. Knowledge you can use to discoverWould you like to receive free Human Design articles,