Maybe they ban guns and crime decreases. stated on August 6, 2020 an interview with journalism associations: Gun buybacks remain a popular policy with the Left because it is the only way of achieving what the Left regards as the only acceptable gun-control solution: reducing the number of guns … In Australia, the government responded to a mass shooting. Why Australia’s famed gun control laws probably wouldn’t reduce shooting deaths in America Police department workers in Sydney sort and catalog weapons handed in … In June 2019, What Venezuela did several years ago was not the same as Australia.The gun situation was not the same, for starters. One of the most significant provisions of the NFA was a flat-out ban on certain kinds of guns, such as automatic and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns. While past studies have failed to draw any definite conclusions, this latest research demonstrates for the first time that the gun control laws did reduce deaths.. It did not ban all guns. As with Australia’s 1996 national firearms “buyback” program,” law-abiding New Zealand gun owners were forced to turn their lawfully-acquired property over to the government for a set amount of compensation. In Australia "they went and confiscated all the guns. It certainly would seem the exception to the rule, but it's certainly not outside the realm of possibility.When a woman is facing a psychotic stalker, needing to protect herself from the inevitable attack that will occur, but the government denies her right to protection... that's a travesty.When somebody finds themselves on CAIR's jihadi watch list and knows beyond any shadow of a doubt that protection of his family is imperative, and the government says Yes, evil is will always be among us. "Gaetz said in Australia "they went and confiscated all the guns. It’s pretty obvious, by the currently measurable barometers that we have available, that Australia’s disarmament was a disaster. "But no one suggested taking away guns, Pirro responded, adding the Gaetz’s Venezuela comparison seemed "a little off." There they went and confiscated all the guns. "The law, in reality, did not affect people's ability to access guns in any effective or long-term way," she said.Since the majority of guns are purchased on the black market, regulating the legal market does little to reduce gun sales in Venezuela, she said. Here are some of the key findings from the study: "Even if the disarmament law had dramatically reduced gun ownership, which is not at all clear, armed anti-government civilians would stand no chance against the tanks and fighter jets of the army," said Dorothy Kronick, a University of Pennsylvania political scientist.Experts were critical of Gaetz using the problems in Venezuela to make any commentary on gun laws in the United States. Australia banned semi-automatic and self-loading rifles as well as shotguns. You know who did what Australia did? After that, people possessing the weapons would be subject to strict penalties. Washington Office on Latin America’s Venezuela Blog, Washington Office on Latin America’s Venezuela Blog, Interview, Alejandro Velasco, New York University history professor of modern Latin America, Aug. 14, 2019Interview, Dimitris Pantoulas, political analyst and consultant in Venezuela, Aug. 13, 2019Interview, Rebecca Hanson, University of Florida assistant professor for Latin American studies, Aug. 15, 2019Interview, Dorothy Kronick, University of Pennsylvania assistant professor of political science, Aug. 15, 2019Interview, Keymer Avila, researcher at the Institute of Criminal Sciences and Professor of Criminology in Pre and Postgraduate Studies at the Central University of Venezuela and a collaborator of the Observatory of the Criminal System and Human Rights of the University of Barcelona, Aug. 15, 2019Interview, Aaron Karp, a lecturer at Old Dominion University is a consultant to the Small Arms Survey, Aug. 14, 2019Statement from U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz office, Aug. 14, 2019 That does not, and will never, change the fact that it is morally imperative for law-abiding citizens to maintain their right to self-preservation. They argue that gun violence was on a downward trajectory … Australian firearms rights groups say that the laws go too far and restrict personal freedom. Yes, bad people will do bad things with guns.

When American leftists support Australian policies, they are absolutely, unequivocally supporting an outright ban on firearms. You know who did what Australia did? Following the gun law changes, there were no mass shootings for many years.

U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., sparred with Fox News’ Jeanine Pirro about how to prevent guns from getting into the wrong hands. Venezuela. Despite how leftists try to sugarcoat it, the Australian gun "buyback" program was mandatory. Disarming a populace is, at it's very core, the denial of a human right to self-preservation. In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts.

Maybe they didn’t have any more "mass-shootings".