Thank-you again. LedTurnedOnAt and turnOffDelay are specific to this state.Clear the flag that enabled this state. After the button is released it will make the “same” loop but with other “delays”.I don’t follow your explanation or the logic in your code. So I thought the right approach would be to first wait while the pin yields LOW and then wait while the pin yields HIGH:. If the button is pressed and isBlinking is true, set it to false.How you can disable led blinking every time when you press button with in turnOffDelay?I don’t understand your question. In my circuit, I am using the Remember that loop() runs around and around.

... You're still in the same boat with having to wait to react to the button press and now you have the added overhead of the interrupt. When the timer runs out, set it to false. Use the built-in example program "Blink without Delay" and combine it with "Button". Otherwise, it turns it off. Thank you in advance Sir …i want a timer which turn on the relay for some time (2min) when button is pressed then off but if i press the same button before 2 minute then the timer of 2 minute again starts counting from start without turn off the output relay…That’s just a basic millis() timer. So, i want that the arduino write two times the letter "D": when i turn on the buton and when i turn off the button. Then a few seconds later, we will turn it off. The sketch also checks the button push counter's value, and if it's an even multiple of four, it turns the LED on pin 13 ON.

Then the push buttons can set flags that use that logic.Good morning. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and seems like it is missing a supply and resistor.No.

Then a few seconds later, the LED should turn off but while the button is pressed. Free 30 Day Trial Arduino - Dual Function Button - Long Press/Short Press (Without Delay) + Bonus: Using software we can take a single button and have it toggle a light on or off, or complete a more complicated function if we so desire. It only takes a minute to sign up.

if so can you share? ?Yes, of course.

First, read through my Setup a constant for BUTTON and LED. I have the project working using old school hardware mainly based on mono-stable 555 timers. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our This video walks through an Arduino code example which uses a while loop to access a series of variables without using an array. Then it enables the next state, which is waiting to turn off the LED.Nothing unique here. You have gotten my project past a major hurdle. Instead of These two values are arbitrary for this example. You are brilliant explaining and very generous of share your knowledNice job! But I will try to offer some suggestions.First, you need to be using an external pull-down resistor. Arduino Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for developers of open-source hardware and software that is compatible with Arduino. If the current button state is different from the last button state and the current button state is high, then the button changed from off to on. For this simple example, I didn’t create an enum to track the states, but that could have been an option too.ledReady tells the Arduino to wait the amount of time in “turnOnDelay” before turning on the LED. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. But what if the Button in the beginning is pressed on and then depressed.