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They did not see a human being able to think by himself and to act according to his own moral conscience. Ultimately, these principles are some of the most powerful weapons at our disposal if we are serious about repairing the world and opening it up to all who inhabit it. Deutsch et Klein ont déclenchée révèle une régression préoccupante de la pensée.Je les invite à reprendre le journal de Victor Klemperer qui, à plusieurs reprises, et en tragique connaissance de cause, consigne des propos du genre de celui-ci : « Pour moi, les sionistes qui prétendent renouer avec l’Etat juif de l’an 70 Pensant l’Afrique dans son universalité parce qu’elle est constitutive de l’universalité, récusant l’afrocentrisme, s’élevant avec courage contre la volonté des étudiants noirs ultras de purifier ethniquement l’Université sud-africaine, le fanonien Achille Mbembe a toute légitimité pour réfléchir politiquement et philosophiquement à l’occupation israélienne des Territoires palestiniens et aux conséquences funestes que celle-ci comporte pour Israël même. He obtained his Ph.D. in history at the University of Sorbonne in Paris, France, in 1989. Felix Klein, commissioner for the fight against anti-Semitism in Germany, has accused historian Achille Mbembe of playing down the Holocaust. Mbembe: I know of no sane human being who does not recognise that the project of annihilation of the Jews that was put to work in Germany represents something so unique and so astounding that it compromised not only the Germans, but humanity as a whole. Such a critique is also absolutely necessary for those who genuinely seek to understand how our modern world came to be, what it is today and how, together, we can repair it. Professeur au Graduate Institute (Genève), titulaire de la chaire Yves Oltramare «Religion et politique dans le monde contemporain». None of these freedoms should be a casualty in the global struggle against antisemitism, neo-Nazism and racism. A campaign that Berlin is the only European capital to ban, as the elected members of Parliament considered the call for an economic boycott of Israel to be anti-Semitic. Joseph-Achille Mbembe, known as Achille Mbembe (/ ə m ˈ b ɛ m b eɪ /; born 1957), is a Cameroonian philosopher, political theorist, and public intellectual. This is what I was taught while growing up in the country [Cameroon] I was born into, which by the way was itself a former German colony where successive colonial governors, including Governor Jesko von Puttkamer, were responsible for a few atrocities.Let me reiterate that “comparative studies of colonialism” is a vibrant subfield of modern history. It is plain wrong, or simply ignorant, to make such an allegation.The sharpest critics of the Israeli government are Israelis themselves. The idea that I might harbour hatred and prejudice against any other human being, or any constituted state as such, is totally repugnant. Seldom have I felt so violated and so disrespected in my entire life. Several weeks ago, Germany’s anti-Semitism commissioner, Felix Klein, made headlines for canceling the participation of prominent intellectual Professor Achille Mbembe at the popular Ruhrtriennale arts and music festival.Mbembe, originally from Cameroon, is a star among Israel-haters around the world. Transmettre à la rédaction des documents d'intérêts publics Par Opposing Political Litmus Tests,11 mai 2020 « Les signataires s’engagent à ne pas participer à des jurys de prix ou à des comités de recrutement universitaire en Allemagne s’il y a des indicateurs convaincants qu’ils pourraient être sujets à une interférence politique ou à des critères décisionnels de nature Once the pro-Israel Free Democratic Party caught wind of Mbembe’s appearance at the festival, its members penned a letter to the director of the festival asserting that hosting Mbembe violates law of North Rhine-Westphalia—where the event was set to take place—whose parliament passed legislation barring public funds from supporting BDS.The letter reached Klein, who decided to ban Mbembe from participating in the festival, which was ultimately canceled due to coronavirus concerns.On April 30, 37 Jewish academics, including 29 Israelis—22 of whom are affiliated with Israeli universities—The letter defends Mbembe, despite his support for BDS and his ongoing accusations that Israel is committing crimes against humanity.In other words, nine professors from Tel Aviv University, eight from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, three from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and two additional “geniuses”—one from the Weizmann Institute of Science and another from the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design—all came together in order to teach Germans that BDS is not really anti-Semitic.