Here all military cargoes were delivered, since the airfield was designed to be able to receive large transport aircraft, even the huge AN-124.The main user of the airfield was the 16th Air Army. Ortskundiger Füh In the past, there were many open spaces, but over the years of abandonment everything was covered with young forest, although somewhere asphalt and concrete still successfully resist nature18. In Berlin’s main airport here but because the estimated cost of the project was too high the authorities of Berlin and Brandenburg decided against implementing it.The territory of the airfield is closed off and patrolled (by equestrian patrols). July 7, 2018 Jack Beckett Sperenberg is one of the largest completely abandoned locations in Germany. Betreten ist strikt untersagt. Two of the northern parking positions, occupied by an An-12 and Mi-8. Hijacked expensive cars were apparently driven here to be delivered to Russia, cheap alcohol and cigarettes arrived from Russia.In September 1994, the last Russian plane took off from here and the airfield was transferred to the Germans.

The bunker is an undergound storage built out of concrete63. Am 1. Dies gilt ausnahmsweise nicht für einzelne private Aufnahmen, die anlässlich des Besuchs, des Abflugs oder der Ankunft angefertigt werden und in Folge … All the premises of the tower are absolutely empty, bare walls57. During the Dr. Werner von Braun worked here in a missile research facility.The airfield was finished in its entirety by May 1, 1974, and until 1994 it was the main military airfield used by the Soviets in Germany.
The first hundred meters of the way look quite cheerful03.

Airfield runway, connected to two parallel taxiways, to the sides of which were concrete platforms built for parking of aircraft36. Also on the territory of the airfield was the training center “Electron”, in which officers were trained for the People’s Army of the GDR.While Sperenberg was in operation, a whole town emerged around it with a total population of 5,000 people.

Heute ist es eine mit Farnen bewachsene Kraterlandschaft. Inside the houses are in remarkably good condition15. The site in the forests was originally developed for the Prussian Army. Das Funkrufzeichen für den Flugplatz Sperenberg lautete in den 196… In some places, original inscriptions have been preserved24.

Perhaps it belonged to the training center of railway troops16. Its total area is a whopping 2,400 hectares. von der Wehrmacht und schließlich von der Sowjetbesatzung zu militärischen Übungs- und Forschungszwecken genutzt wurde. The access road leads to the territory of the airfield02. Betreten ist strikt untersagt. Its total area is a whopping 2,400 hectares. However, the road is blocked off by bushes so an alterative way must be found05. Im Mai 1995 werden die GUS-Truppen, hier der 16.

The structure that can be seen from the tower was a huge aircraft hangar with the inscription “Glory to the CPSU” on the facade

Boxes here are of several types. März 2018 13.00 - 15.30 Uhr. Ex-Lufthansa-Chef Heinz Ruhnau hielt die Entscheidung für Schönefeld 1990 für falsch. There is a military town, 2800 meters long runways with control towers and a huge hangar, fuel depot with underground access roads and much more.The airfield was built south of Berlin in Brandenburg, Germany. Prior to WWII it was also a training center for railway pioneers, which is why there are remnants of railway tracks around the territory. Dazu bot sich das seit etwa 1880 bestehende Gelände der ehemaligen Eisenbahnpioniere in Sperenberg an.
Ein Besuch im ehemaligen Sperrgebiet.Die Natur hat Fakten geschaffen.

Für Geschichtsliebhaber ist der ehemalige russische Militärflughafen Sperenberg ein Traum: Hunderte verlassene Gebäude zeugen von einer zu Ende gegangenen Ära. Diese stellten den Abzug der Westgruppe der Streitkräfte (WGT) sicher. On the concrete there are traces of either a truck or a bus. Hangar for equipment with inspection pit and sliding door19. Zwölf Kilometer lang war eine der Schießbahnen, wo die Soldaten Mörser und Granaten testeten. Doch es kam anders und 20 Jahre nach dem Abzug der Roten Armee erobern sich die Bäume verlorenes Terrain zurück. Der Flugplatz Sperenberg war ein sowjetischer und von 1992 bis 1994 russischer Militärflugplatz bei Sperenberg (Brandenburg), auf dem große Flugzeuge wie die Truppentransporter IL-76 und AN-22 operierten. Thestypes of bunkers were typically built at Soviet military facilities67. Die Vorlesungsreihe am Flughafen besteht bereits seit 2008. September 1994 rollte die letzte Maschine über das Flugfeld von Sperenberg. Ein Besuch im ehemaligen Sperrgebiet. Ever since then the huge territory with all the infrastructure has been abandoned. Here used to be a gate through which equipment left the territory of the technical sector of the airfield, but now there is no trace left of it, only a gap in the fence30. Apparently, this is the transport on which excursions are brought here41.