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The Amsterdam approach places particular emphasis on cultural-historical backgrounds, 'the New Europe' in Eastern Europe, and a wide offer of European languages.

Examples include American Studies, Global Development Issues and Multi-Cultural Consumer Behaviour. European Studies takes a closer look at the complexity of interrelation between culture, identity and political outcomes. we are re-designing our website and want to include you in the process. You are using a browser that is no longer supported by Microsoft. The UvA website uses cookies and similar technologies to ensure the basic functionality of the site and for statistical and optimisation purposes.

By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. 2,000 EUR for EU applicantsThe double Master's programme is an ambitious, research-based and interdisciplinary programme, which has a strong focus on the European Union, its institutions and policies.

Students of the double Master's programme in European Studies are awarded a Research Master in European Studies by Maastricht University and a Master of Arts in Political Science by the University of Cologne after successful completion of the programme. A pre-master granted him direct access to the master’s programme in European Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. Also read our Cookies that are essential for the basic functioning of the website. Five out of six positions ...Four talented Humanities PhD candidates receive NWO fundingNew PhD candidates for the Humanities research schoolsScandinavism Overlapping and Competing Identities in the Nordic World 1770 - 1919. In the current situation due to the coronavirus, making plans for the upcoming semesters is not easy. The thesis will be supervised by professors of both universities.Students spend their first year at Maastricht University and their second year at the University of Cologne.Only in Maastricht, approx. To watch Youtube videos you need to enable this category.

Political Science provides the disciplinary core, underpinned by history and (cultural) area studies, and supported by business/economics or communication courses (as electives).

He decided to stay in Maastricht for the master’s programme European Studies at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences. European Studies takes a closer look at the complexity of interrelation between culture, identity and political outcomes. European studies deal with a variety of topics related to the European Union, the European community and society, European integration and more. They complete their first year at Maastricht University and their second year at the University of Cologne. For best experience please turn on javascript and use a modern browser! The TOEFL iBT ® measures your English-language abilities in an academic setting. Read more about TOEFL iBT ®. but will help us tremendously to determine how we can improve the usability of our website. Please upgrade your browser. Our database contains several thousand Bachelor’s programmes, Master’s programmes and PhD/Doctorate courses at top universities in Europe.

Minimum required score: 92 .

The programme aims at teaching the students methodological skills, enabling them to operate at an advanced level in an international research environment.Students of the double Master's programme in European Studies are awarded a Research Master in European Studies by Maastricht University and a Master of Arts in Political Science by the University of Cologne after successful completion of the programme.
Thank you very much for your support! The programme is based on the recognition of credit points and includes a Master's thesis, which will be conducted during the second year of study. It also uses cookies to display content such as YouTube videos and for marketing purposes. You will take modules in public and private management, law, economics, management and politics – always with a view to the European Union.

The BSocSc (Hons) in European Studies is a four-year programme centred in the Department of Government and International Studies. Please visit the universities‘ websites for up-to-date information about the courses. These cookies are used to enable students and staff to log in to the site, for example.Cookies that collect information about visitor behaviour anonymously to help make the website work more effectively.Cookies that make it possible to track visitors and show them personalised adverts. He has a bachelor’s degree in European Studies from Zuyd Hogeschool in Maastricht. TOEFL iBT ® IELTS . The research schools of the Faculty of Humanities (ACLC, AHM, ARTES, ASCA, ASH and the interfaculty institute ILLC) have been working on recruiting new PhD candidates – one for each school. Students follow a study path that is integrated into the regular course offer of both universities. 2,000 EUR for EU applicantsProof of proficiency in English at level C1 according to CEFRApplicants with a (Bachelor's) degree acquired outside of Germany and not from Maastricht University must additionally apply via A link to the application portal will appear on the double Master's programme website (Accommodation is available through the student union ("Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences