It is notable for being the first project to feature the Dead End Kids, who would go on to star, under various names, in 89 films and three serials.These names include Dead End Kids, Little Tough Guys, the East Side Kids and the Bowery Boys.

Mehl has once again delivered a fantastic read that will keep you on your toes and eagerly turning the pages to see what happens next!A perfect conclusion for this series! Kaely's reactions and emotions felt very realistic throughout and it was easy to relate to her, even if you hadn't been through the trauma she had.

The remains point to a serial killer with an MO the authorities have seen before--Ed Oliphant, a man who has been in prison for over 20 years . Dead End also has a reunion between Kaely and the real person behind her imaginary confidant Georgie and there's a satisfying resolution in the relationship of Kaely and FBI Special Agent Noah Hunter. The psychological difficulties associated with seeing her father again are enormous, but Kaely agrees to do it.

Format: MP3 320Kbps. . This was truly a great finale to a fantastic set. A young woman is chased down by a pair of zombies and finds salvation in a lonely farmhouse.

Published This trend continued in this book and took me out of the story every time.Well, it looks like the whole series is going to land at about a 2.5 rating for me. (We guessed correctly fairly early on but there were doubts. When some bodies are found in her old hometown that copy the MO of her father's kills, she's called on to face her own personal demons and come face to face with the person who fractured her life 20 years ago. by Bethany House Publishers The ending had a couple twists that took me by surprise and made the book that much better.

They were reunited in Dead End when a copycat serial killer emerges replicating those crimes committed years prior by Kaely Quinn's deranged father.This book is a fitting conclusion to the suspense series by Nancy Mehl which included MIND GAMES, FIRE STORM, and now DEAD END.

They've been professional colleagues, supportive friends, and now, there seems to be so much more.

She also battles a feeling she will die young, something from childhood combined with a threat from an evil man she confronted in her FBI work. Book three in the series, For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls, won the American Christian Fiction Writers Mystery Book oNancy Mehl lives in Wichita, Kansas with her husband, Norman, and her very active puggle, Watson. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. So grab a pitcher of iced tea and settle in for a fantastic read.Wow! She is becoming mentally unstable and her partner, Noah, doesn’t always know what to do about his feelings for her and her methods. Wow! This book picks up not long after book two. They think that… This book was full of suspense with a dash of romance. Much of the book deals with Kaely's inner battles about her killer father, such as guilt. She is a profiler and the child of an infamous serial killer. First published in 2001, she has now authored nine books, including an omnibus mystery collection, Cozy in Kansas, which contains three of her previously published Ivy Towers mysteries. Noah insists he make the trip with her.I loved this book! It keeps you on the edge of your seat until the end. Each went their own way for awhile. "He'd seen the best and the worst that she had to offer. I just finished reading this book. With Sarah Webb. The remains point to a serial killer with an MO the authorities have seen before--Ed Oliphant, a man who has been in prison for over 20 years . The current case definitely hits too close to home for Kaely as it is a copycat serial killer who is copying her father who is currently in prison.

Each went their own way for awhile. I enjoyed the message about forgiveness and healing.

Kaely had a lot of promise but the constant zoom-in/zoom-out approach to her POV made it hard to get into her head as a character. I had my suspicions in the book and felt pretty good about some of my hunches at the end.

I have loved Kaely and Noah and am very pleased with the ending.This was a great end to this series!