Made with 60% Bamboo, a naturally renewing resource.A full line of electric coffeemakers is launched through a partnership with Hamilton BeachMelitta USA’s coffee roaster in Cherry Hill, NJ undergoes multi-million dollar modernization.Melitta’s timeless porcelain cone is further adapted to have ridges on the inside walls as well as one drip-through hole to maximize coffee extraction and flavor.Keeping with sustainable initiatives, Melitta transitions cans to recycled composite materials.The JavaJig, a reusable capsule with a paper filter, for Keurig-style single serve brewers, is released.Melitta encapsulates premium Café de Europa coffees in filter cups for Keurig-style single serve brewers.Melitta continues to innovate handcrafted coffee with the launch of a new collection of 1-Cup Pour-Over Coffee Brewers in new colors and materials. The Melitta Group takes over the paper factory Neu Kaliss Spezialpapier in 1992.At the millennium, Melitta introduces the double seam for filter papers.In 2010, Jero Bentz, son of Jörg Bentz, joins the company.In the early years of the 20th century, coffee is becoming ever more popular in Europe. Name: Horst Bentz.
With a patent on her invention and 73 Reich pfennigs of start-up capital, the shrewd housewife has the company, M. Bentz, entered in the Dresden commercial register on December Like the original pour-over, this filter generation is structured in three parts and comprised of a removable water distributor, the filter body and a sieve insert, onto which the filter paper is laid.In order to protect it from the numerous imitators, from 1925 onwards, Melitta® markets the filter packages in their characteristic red-green colour combination, which is still typical today.The filter receives its conical shape. - 21.06.

Sternzeichen Zwillinge 22.05. to North America. With an accompanying “presser”, the square, flat filter paper is pressed into the filter shape.The shape of the coffee filter changes: It is slit-shaped at the bottom.

[2] Casou-se com Johannes Emil Hugo Bentz, com quem teve dois filhos, Willy e Horst e 1899 e 1904, respectivamente. Später heiratete sie den Lehrerssohn Johannes Emil Hugo Bentz (geb. Her father was a publisher. Melitta Liebscher wurde am 31. Bentz was born in Dresden. Die Familie lebte in der Dresdner Marschallstraße 31 und betrieb eine kleine Haus- und Küchengerätehandlung. 1940er. This filter paper has microfine perforations that allow more coffee taste and aroma to come through while filtering out unwanted sediment, particles, and oils which have a negative effect on cholesterol levels.Melitta's signature pour-over cone is redesigned in colored plastic and is called the Ready Set Joe. more. The original filter is born: Melitta Bentz, from Dresden, comes up with the ingenious idea to banish coffee grounds from cups using a paper filter, by punching holes through the base of a brass pot and placing a blotting sheet from her eldest son’s school book on it. 1981 übernahmen seine Neffen Jörg, Thomas und Stephan Bentz Melitta. Januar 1873 in Dresden als Tochter eines Verlagsbuchhändlers geboren. Verstorben am: 09.11.1984. Melitta is the first company to introduce Natural Brown® filter paper, made from unbleached pulp. Als 35-jährige Hausfrau und Mutter experimentierte sie an einer einfachen Methode, um den Kaffeesatz im fertigen Kaffee zu vermeiden.

Januar 1946 in Minden). Die damaligen Verfahren benutzten gewöhnliche Trichter und Filter aus Textil oder Löschpapier, die erst ausgeschnitten werden mussten, und waren somit recht aufwändig.

1930er. World War II is increasingly restricting operations at Melitta. Melitta nasceu em Dresden, na Alemanha, filha de um editor e vendedor de livros. After Horst Bentz resigns from his position as general partner, his sons Jörg and Dr. Thomas Bentz take over the management of Melitta in 1981.

But the coffee grounds and the bitter taste get in the way of full enjoyment.After testing her invention thoroughly and making ongoing improvements, Melitta and Hugo Bentz systematically visit stores ...In 1923, Willy Bentz, the oldest son of Melitta and Hugo Bentz, joins the company. You can find out more about this by clicking on the In the early years of the 20th century, coffee is becoming ever more popular in Europe. Biography. Melitta venció-y la mayoría en Melitta-Werke Aktiengesellschaft a Horst y Willi en 1932 pero caltener nel negociu, velando polos sos emplegaos.

Geboren am: 27.05.1904. Sie heiratete den Kaufmann Hugo Bentz, der in einem Warenhaus arbeitete, und hatte zwei Söhne. Mai 1904 Sohn Horst. When Horst Bentz, the second son of Melitta and Hugo Bentz, joins the company in 1932, it is renamed “Melitta-Werke AG”. The company is renamed to “Bentz & Sohn OHG”.When Horst Bentz, the second son of Melitta and Hugo Bentz, joins the company in 1932, it is renamed “Melitta-Werke AG”.World War II is increasingly restricting operations at Melitta.Four years after her husband's passing, Melitta Bentz dies.Melitta is the first company to offer ground coffee in vacuum-sealed packaging on the German market.With the addition of vacuum cleaner bags to the product range, Melitta enters the dust filter business in 1971.

Am 25. Melitta develops a new filter paper generation, Melitta filter paper with Flavor Pores. Chlorine-free, oxygen-cleansed paper is born.The Funkaffe set is a modern design of the classic Melitta pour-over coffee brewer.Melitta has once again proven to be the industry leader and innovator with a Double Crimp technology that adds a second safety crimp for extra strength and durability to coffee filters.Melitta launches Bamboo filters in #2 and #4 sizes. [2]

It is available in sets with ceramic and travel mugs. 1937 the lettering is changed for the first and last time. Roasting initially took place in Minden, Germany, the company headquarters. While the company that bears Melitta's name is still a leader in drip-cone manufacturing, coffee-loving geeks, designers, and professionals all over the world have followed our gal's lead by making tweaks to Bentz's initial concept and striving for the perfect filter brew. The original filter is born: Melitta Bentz, from Dresden, comes up with the ingenious idea to banish coffee grounds from cups using a paper filter, by punching holes through the base of a brass pot and placing a blotting sheet from her eldest son’s school book on it.
At this facility, coffee filters are produced for the American market.