I look forward to continuing to improve my Spanish with Happy Languages.I've been studying Italian at Happy Languages for over 3 years and I love it. I started with Italian Beginner 1, continued with Beginner 2 and I will happily continue with Beginner 3. The teachers are brilliant and the classes are small with a great atmosphere.

muy (sehr) + Adjektiv Es muy grande. The teachers are very well prepared. with this organisationI have very little foreign language skills, or prior knowledge of Italian but the beginners course was excellent and surprisingly good fun. The class is in a quiet office meeting room, with a desk you can actually write on - much better than the standard language school setup. It was a fun course with a knowledgeable, friendly and patient teacher.

= Er ist sehr groß. – Die schöne Insel.

Forming Superlative Adjectives. If I hadn't moved away from London I would 100% have gone onto the next course with Happy Languages. Adverbien der Verneinung (siehe Verbklassen weiter oben) stehen in der Regel am Satzanfang. The class sizes are perfect, too.

Special thanks needs to be given to our fantastic teacher, Vanessa, who made all of the lessons fun and interesting (even grammar!).

– Die schönere / schönste Insel. I have been impressed by their professionalism, organisation and knowledge.
The lessons were varied with interesting topics to study and discuss.My experience learning Italian at Happy Languages has been overall very positive! The class sizes are small so you never feel overwhelmed. Spanisch-Übungsbuch/ Grammatik/ Adjektive/ Steigerung und Vergleich Übung 4 – Setzen Sie den absoluten Superlativ ein: eine blitzsaubere Küche – una cocina _____ (limpio)

They are always well prepared for lessons and able to answer questions. I hope to continue learning!Just finished Beginners 3 and really enjoyed all the classes and content.

MariaHappy Languages is the best language school I have been to.

Very good quality of lessons and amazing value for money. bb) Der absolute Superlativ: Der absolute Superlativ drückt einen höheren Grad aus als der relative Superlativ. The material is great, very supportive environment and great teachers (especially Barbara).I studied an Italian Intermediate course with Happy Languages. I feel like I learned a lot on the course and made new friends at the same time. The classes are small, so you get a lot of attention, the teachers are great and it starts at 7pm meaning I can get there from work on time.

If you are ready to use them on your own, check out our blog post on Spanish grammar checkers so you can correct your work.

Definitely recommend.I have been studying for the CILS exams with Happy Languages. Mit ihnen kann man Verben, Adjektive oder ganze Sätze näher beschreiben.Während Adverbien und Adjektive im Deutschen oft die gleiche Form haben, gilt es im Spanischen einige Unterschiede zu beachten. Thank you for your continued patience and enthusiasm!

Highly recommended!A really great environment to learn a foreign language. La isla bonita.

Beispiel:Zur Unterscheidung: Adjektive können ein Substantiv näher beschreiben (und richten sich in Numerus und Genus nach ihm).

I enjoyed a lot the Italian classes at Happy languages. The class sizes are small, so you have a good opportunity to speak and be involved in the class, and the teachers are very supportive. Have been using them for approx 6 months and will keep coming back.


mehr) vor dem Adjektiv. Beispiel: Verbessern Sie Ihr Spanisch mit spannenden Artikeln und abwechslungsreichen Übungen.Spanisch hören und üben: von unterwegs, beim Autofahren, beim Sport, online oder offline – mit dem Audio-Trainer von Machen Sie Ihr Sprachniveau international vergleichbar!Wie gut ist Ihr Spanisch? The classes are a good size with nice lesson plans and structure. Highly recommended.Amazing Experience! = Er ist überaus groß. The course extensively covered the key elements relevant to the final exam. It's also the best value for money compared to the other courses especially the university/college courses.

Almost completed Beginners 1 Italian and have just signed up for the next level.

Will continue with my learning of spanish The We Work offices are a great place to learn - modern and free coffee!

The small class size means you get a lot of teaching time and quality practice with the other students. I fully recommend it!