For further and more specific information you should visit the official website for the Eagle's Nest. Enjoy buying your bus tickets online from home or on the go, with our mobile friendly site. As the route cuts through the mountain and switches back on itself, you will never end up sitting on the “wrong” side of the bus.The Kehlsteinstrasse measures at around four metres across at its widest point, and there is strict management of the route to ensure maximum safety: buses going downhill will often pull into one of the special sidings, allowing the one approaching uphill from the opposite direction to pass. As symbol of power of the NS regime, decisions were made at the Eagle’s Nest. Eine Stornogebühr von 100 € wird berechnet, falls eine bestätigte aber nicht durchgeführte Fahrt nicht mindestens 2 Stunden vor der geplanten Auffahrt unter +49-8652-2029 widerrufen wird. Route Search.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass eine Deaktivierung dieser Cookies die Funktionalität und das Aussehen unserer Webseite erheblich beeinträchtigen kann. Die Rückfahrt ist um 11.25 Uhr, um ca. Sie werden jedoch immer aufgefordert, Cookies zu akzeptieren / abzulehnen, wenn Sie unsere Website erneut besuchen.Wir respektieren es voll und ganz, wenn Sie Cookies ablehnen möchten.

Mit ihrer Buchung ist ein Sitzplatz im Bus um 09:45 für Sie reserviert, eventuelle Wartezeiten entfallen. From: To: Date: Note: SA Routes are Open. Reopening: may 2021.The Eagles Nest is a restaurant today. Essential Information. Thank you!Please note that this site is an unofficial historical information resource and guide, and is not associated with the Eagle's Nest itself. You should park in one of the two main parking zones, P1 or P2.Of the public transport options available, the cheapest is the route 838 bus from the Post Office (Heading towards the Hintereck on the B305 out of BerchtesgadenOf course, for the more hardy adventurer there is the option of the mountain walk, along clearly marked paths. As of 5th May 2018, the Kehlsteinhaus is now open to visitors, and the bus service is in operation. 12 Uhr sind Sie wieder zurück am Parkplatz Obersalzberg.Auf- und Abfahrt mit dem Kehlsteinbus und dem Aufzug, geführte Besichtigung des KehlsteinhausesBitte hier Wunschtermin wählen und auf Registrieren klicken. If you are using your own transport, there is a spacious parking area close to the bus terminus, with a charge of €3.00 for cars and €2.00 for motorcycles – though with the Berchtesgaden-Königsee To reach the Hintereck by road, head north on the B305 out of Berchtesgaden in the direction Salzburg/Maria Gern – the Hauptbahnhof should be on your left. Die Änderungen werden nach einem Neuladen der Seite wirksam.Sie können unsere Cookies und Datenschutzeinstellungen im Detail in unseren Datenschutzrichtlinie nachlesen. Possible ways of reaching Kehlsteinhaus (Eagle’s Nest) RVO-Bus from Hintereck parking area to the Eagle’s Nest parking area; Or hike from Ofneralm up to the Eagle’s Nest parking area (approx. All opinions contained herein are those of the author of this site.This website has been running for over seventeen years, and has provided a number of visitors with helpful information about the Kehlsteinhaus. This chapter of the site is divided into three main areas: Please note that these are basic guidelines and that the latest visitor information should be obtained from the official As of 5th May 2018, the Kehlsteinhaus is now open to visitors, and the bus service is in operation.With the exception of a small number of third party items, all images are my own. Ein Ticket für zwei attraktive Ausflugsziele in Berchtesgaden. No, only … Sie können auch einige Ihrer Einstellungen ändern.

To reach it, there is a golden brass elevator buried in the heart of the mountain, through which one can reach „the summit of power“ – all this has been created with the sole purpose to impress and dazzle people.The building became a legend in the postwar period, and apparently its use of the Eagler’s Nest was seen as essential as a visual motif in popular US war films and series. Confirm 4. On arrival at the Kehlsteinhaus Parkplatz, you should immediately pre-book the time for your return journey at the little booth located near the entrance to the tunnel – in the example ticket above, you can see “15:10” stamped on the ticket next to Rückfahrt (“return journey”).If your German language skills are good enough, you can obtain further information on the bus service from the The first bus to the Kehlsteinhaus Parkplatz departs from the Hintereck at 07:40 and runs every twenty-five minutes until 16:00, with the final return journey from the Kehlsteinhaus parking lot departing at 16:50.

However, any reservations that are not cancelled a minimum of 2 hours in advance will be charged a cancellation fee of 100 euro. Individuals require no reservation!If you travel by car, take the A8 and exit at Bad Reichenhall or at Salzburg Süd to Berchtesgaden and from there the Obersalzberg road to the Hintereck parking area at Obersalzberg.The road from Obersalzberg to the Eagle’s Nest parking lot is considered a feat of engineering.