Norway, Japan, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Spain and Belgium are constitutional monarchies and are very developed and democratic countries. Sometimes, Unfortunately for the people living there, There can be a tyrannical leader eventually. Norway, Japan, UK, Sweden, Denmark, Luxembourg, Liechtenstein, Netherlands, Spain and Belgium are constitutional monarchies and are very developed and democratic countries. Toasters can toast multiple types of sliced bread products. By using this site, you agree to our In the past it worked somewhat, but in these years of globalisation countries need leaders who are well educated especially in the fields of economics, law and diplomacy. They hold their position over the country until their death, at which point the next member of the family that is poised for the position takes over. Yes, there are some monarchies that are bad, like the Gulf's monarchies as there are bad republics such as Cuba and China.Sf fsf sohf fh h hffh hf hf hf h hf hfh fh fhfh fh f f hf hfh h f h hh f fh f hf hf h h hf h f f f f hf f ffh h h fh h hh h h h h hh hMonarchy is a system where a pre-determined person (most of the time) is leading the nation with either absolute control (absolute monarchy. ) A monarchy is a form of government where a single person, designated as the monarch, serves as the head of state until they choose to abdicate or death. Invented in Scotland in 1893, it was developed over the years, with the introduction of an automatic mechanism to stop the toasting and pop the slices up. Without a monarchy a national cannot survive. The thing is, Google up 10 random monarchist nations and look up how long they nation survived and how much their economy, Military and science improved.

Within the context of an absolute monarchy, what the ruler decrees becomes the law of the land. I would surely go with option a. Let me make an analogy to make you guys udnerstand this better. Monarchs are educated in economist,law, politics and other necesery objects for head of the state.Monarchies are not good.Whoever disobeys the king or queen probably get executed (killed)! The arguments on this website against monarchies are not acknowledging the fact that monarchies in Europe are the best democracies. That is what I think anyway.Monarchy in its nature tends to be dictatorial and undemocratic.

It's because a singular person controlling the nation will result in a more stable government. You disagree with what he is asking so you ask the King to tell him he can't do this. Additionally if you setup a voting system for the monarch (like the one in polish-lithuanian commonwealth) you'd be assured that that the most suitable person is chosen (regardless if they ant to).You want to know why monarchy is good well, cause why notIn a democracy, every issue must be passed from branch to branch, and it can take a long time to get something passed that will be for the benefit of the country, while in a monarchy, the "reaction time" is much faster, as only one person has to make decisions.States with monarchs are more stable and prosperous that democratic states. Most are ruled by kings or queens, but some allow for a group of nobles to be the head of the government as well.The advantage of a monarchy is that there is predictability in the government.

Countries that still have the monarchical form of government are the most democratic countries in the world. This person is referred to as the monarch. Also, some say that most monarchies have societal class systems which are based on wealth and nobility.

The neighbor however is good friends with the King due to his social class so the King agrees with the neighbor and now you have barely any food and can't provide for your family anymore. Due to the King having absolute power, You can't say anything against what he says or he will have you killed.Your moms gay i like ethe mountains i like the daffodils i like the moew i like the rolling hills i like thet fire side when the lights are low, , Boom de adqa boom de adadaaaadadada Monarchy is an unfair system of governance since there is only one person's family tree going over a land for authority over and over. Unless the ruler or group of rulers agrees, there is no way for the average person to create … Most monarchies are hereditary, allowing different generations to take … Secession goes through the family who leads the government, so there are no situations where people must vote “for the lesser of two evils.” There are specific rules and laws in place that would determine who would be the ruler and when they would ascend to that leadership position.The disadvantage of a monarchy is that the people being ruled rarely have a say in who gets to be their leader.